Page 122 of Forever Fabled

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Hours later,when they were finally alone, the two lovers exchanged a warm and tender smile as they held each other close, in their new home they would share for years to come.

“… The handsome knight and his beautiful paladin lived happily ever after,” Austin whispered in the darkness of their room before kissing her softly once more. “The end.”

“No, my love,” she smiled tenderly at him, admiring his face in the shadows and marveling at the truth of it all. “Never an end, I promise you that.”

“… This is only our beginning.”


Nine months later…

“’Night, Eileen…”she smiled, waving at her friend and coworker from Ember Creek. She loved her job, feeling so thrilled right now and couldn’t wait to get home to talk to Austin. He was flying tonight, taking students up, and mentioned he might be home a little late.

That was actually perfect, because it gave her time to put together her gift for him,she thought happily, glancing at the bag of things she’d picked up during a brief lunch break as a surprise.

… Except her phone rang.


“Hey there,” a strained voice said, and it took her a minute to realize it was Sophie.

“Are you okay?”

“Nope. My water broke and Marisol is at the doctor’s office with Nicolette getting tubes put in her ears… of all the days, too. Dixie just got home from the dentist where Luke fell and busted his tooth royally, Harley is at Flyboys, Glory is babysitting –and I’m panicking…”Sophie sobbed wretchedly. “I need help and I’m alone – and if you breathe any of this to my Ryan, so help me God I’ll…”

“Whoaaaa, calm down Mama-bear…” Giselle chuckled in understanding.

One of the things the women talked about in hushed voices on their Saturdays alone was that they didn’t want any of their spouses to know how hard watching them leave was, how scary the idea of being alone during emergencies was, or how frightening it was to think that they couldn’t rely on them if there was a problem overseas or with the business.

That was their only income and maintaining Flyboys was exceedingly important – and Reaper was stuck in Afghanistan for another week before he could come home for good.

“I’m on my way now.”

“Oh gosh, thank you, Giselle. I just need someone to drive me and to watch Ben. If you don’t mind keeping me company for a little bit while I ‘do my Mom-thing’… ugh, hang on… contraction…”

“You’re fine, hon… and I’d be happy to watch Ben for a bit.”

“Glory and Alpo are going to keep him overnight – so they’ll come get him shortly so he can play with the twins.”

“Sophie,” Giselle smiled, trying to calm the panicked mom who was under a lot of physical, mental, and emotional turmoil right now with the baby, Ryan coming home, and trying to raise the rambunctious little boy… oh she understood very well. “Please don’t worry and no one will tell Reaper – I swear it.”

“I’m sorry… I’m just freaking out a bit.”

“You have good reason to, my friend. How far apart are your contractions?”

“Nine minutes.”

Whoaaaa boy,Giselle thought to herself. Second babies come fast usually, and it was no wonder Sophie was panicking. She probably would be too.

“Alrighty. I’ll be there in just a few and we’ll head straight to the emergency room together. I’m going to hang up and let Austin know that we’re heading in, okay?”

“Don’t tell him I’m nervous.”

“I promise – it’s our secret.”

“Thank you,” Sophie uttered. “I’ll be waiting by the door and…”

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