Page 121 of Forever Fabled

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“What is all of this?” Austin asked pointedly, looking around as Giselle’s eyes took in everything in disbelief.

She and Austin had talked in hushed voices at length about what they were going to do to furnish the house. She suggested hitting up Goodwill or Big Lots in order to grab a few necessities. They would need to get groceries, paper plates, and figure out the rest… but neither of them expectedanyof this!

There was a small dining room table, a recliner, and boxes everywhere. Someone was installing a ceiling fan in the middle of the living room and wires were dangling from the ceiling with the box just underneath a ladder.

It was chaos… but a blessing, too.

“We are helping you move in,” Delilah volunteered, smiling tenderly. “Now this is only to help you get started, but you won’t be sitting on the floor nor sleeping there… and I’m sure you will want to get a few things as you get situated. I put a notepad and pen on the counter so you can start making a list of items you need as you discover something missing – and then we can come up with YOUR box from that list, for the next Flyboy that comes to live in Yonder.”

“Our box?”

“We pay it forward,” Dixie explained, smiling. “As one of us gets settled, the others get the call, and we bring our individual boxes to help establish the home. We brought the bathroom items.”

“Kitchen,” Firefly volunteered, holding up a hand.

“Ceiling fan,” Mary smiled at Ghost – who waved at Austin near the ladder where he was standing beside.

“Enough yammering,” Alpo said pointedly. “We’ve got classes this afternoon and the newlyweds are gonna want to be alone. Let’s get back at it. Who’s on childcare duty becauseThing OneandThing Twoare pulling each other’s hair – again.”

“On it,” Glory yelped, running for the children angrily sobbing in the hallway, with fistfuls of hair.

“Oh geez,” Alpo muttered, rubbing his forehead. “My wife is on child duty… and those aremykids. Good thing I can’t live without any of them, because they make me want to pull out my hair sometimes.”

“Cueball,” Thumper taunted – causing Alpo to immediately touch the back of his head and glare at his best friend.

“Shut up. I amnotlosing my hair, Thumper…”

Everyone burst out laughing at the exchange between friends – and a box was pressed in each of their hands.

“The sooner we unpack, the sooner you are alone,” Armadillo drawled pointedly, winking at them and grinning. “And let me tell ya’, the bed’s already set up and made.”

“On it!” Austin blurted out, dropping his duffle bag and digging into the box immediately. “I’ve got spices and utensils… kitchen. Which way is my dang kitchen?”

“That way!” several people hollered, laughing and pointing.

“Thanks,” he grinned, sheepishly. “I can’t remember from the photographs, and it’s been almost a month since I’ve seen the place.”

Giselle looked in her box and grimaced.

“Switch with me, Austin.”

“Sure, babe… what have you got?”

“Hammers, screwdrivers, measuring tape, duct tape, and other junk… and you arenotsetting up my spice rack,” she smiled, swapping boxes with him right away.

“… And hurry,” she whispered pointedly, looking him up and down, before he gave her a lazy smile in awareness.

“Yes ma’am,” he acknowledged huskily, before clearing his throat. “Uh, guys? Which way is my garage?”

“That way…”

Austin winked at her playfully as she stared after him, knowing that this was just the beginning of their chapter unfolding, especially as she heard him.

“… Tumble out of bed and stumble to the kitchen,” he began dancing and singing, ‘9 to 5’by Dolly Parton, strutting his way towards the doorway where everyone had pointed a moment ago, only to hear other voices chime in.

Moments later, everyone was singing, laughing, and dancing about as they unpacked boxes – including Giselle, who was grinning and smiling at her beloved husband.

If life was a series of events, chapters, lyrics, moments, and realities crossing? Then by golly, hers was an unimaginable fable with lessons learned, trials endured, treasures discovered, with a happiness she could have only fathomed in her wildest dreams… and shining brightly behind Austin’s beautiful eyes.

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