Page 123 of Forever Fabled

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“Why don’t we take your car, so I don’t have to fool with moving the car seat for Ben?” Giselle suggested, afraid that the woman might have the child in the car or the parking lot. “Let’s cut corners where we can and make it easy on ourselves?”

… And sped up.

“Okay. I’ll meet you at the car.”

“Perfect. See you in four minutes.”

Giselle hung up the phone and immediately called Flyboys because she knew Austin was in the air with a student pilot.

“Flyboys, this is Harley…”

“Harley! Oh my gosh, hey, can you radio Austin and tell him I’m going to the E.R. with Sophie? The baby is coming…”


“Yep. Contractions are less than ten minutes apart and…”

“Reaper will never make it back to the States in time.”

“I know.”

“Ohhh man – and he wanted to be here, too.”

“Not gonna happen,” Giselle said bluntly. “Tell Austin to pick me up because I’m taking Sophie’s Toyota – and will you let Glory know to pick Ben up from the waiting room? She’s keeping him overnight so he can play with the twins.”

“Of course. Do you want me to bring you something for dinner?”

“No. I might need a ride back to my car, but we’re good. Just let Austin know and…”

“I’ll send him with the Jetta since your car will be at Sophie’s and you aren’t picking him up.”

“Perfect – and thank you!”

“Is she nervous?”

“She’s upset Ryan won’t make it… and doesn’t want him to know.”

“Nope. I gotcha. I never told Jackson that I was beyond overwhelmed giving birth to Samantha because he would only feel guilty and be a basket case. I merely told him I was happy with one perfect child – and didn’t need another,” Harley said sheepishly. “I’m certainly not Delilah, who is pregnant again, by the way.”

“Oh my gosh, someone get those two an aspirin to put between her knees!” Giselle uttered wildly in disbelief. This was going to be the fourth child together – and with Luke – the couple had five children total.

“I know right?!” Harley laughed boisterously. “Text or call me if you need anything…”

“Will do,” Giselle grinned as she pulled up to see Sophie standing there, holding her stomach, while making a face that had an obvious fake smile on it, trying to comfort Ben… who looked very disconcerted right now.

“Oh, thank goodness,” Giselle said happily, winking at Sophie. “Ben! You are just the pilot I’m looking for… are you ready to be my co-pilot?”


“Yes, sir! We are going for a ride, and I need a co-pilot. Can you do it?”

“Yeahhhh!” the boy said happily, racing to the car and trying to reach the door handle.

“Thank you,” Sophie whispered softly, giving Giselle a grateful smile.

“I gotcha, hon… can you walk to the car okay?”

“Yeah, just slow going.”

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