Page 12 of Forever Fabled

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Happily, as she opened her email – she saw that he had indeed written, and it was quite lengthy. Fascinated, she started to read and found herself smiling at his comments, replying almost immediately.

Hello, Sir Austin – oh noble knight of the realm! Very nice to meet you… finally.

Which Robin Hood movie are you referring to? There were a lot of them, and I prefer the Kevin Costner version. Have you seen Braveheart? Very bloody, very similar, and a wonderful movie along those same lines.

I like movies that draw you in or make you laugh. I don’t do scary movies because I’m like a four-year-old that gets nightmares. My favorite movies are probably ‘BIG’ with Tom Hanks, ‘City Slickers’, or ‘Clue’… Oh gosh, I simply love ‘Clue’ with Tim Curry.

I don’t handle movies that make you cry either – ‘Titanic’, ‘The Notebook’, and a handful of other movies are my kryptonite. I’m just wrecked and cannot stand how they leave me mentally.

A detective, huh?

Yes, I’m a paladin – and a medic.

Excellent deduction, my dear Austin – eh, Watson!

So, you would be a knight? I could see that – walking up to your ‘steed’ before climbing in (on) I could definitely see that in my mind… but remember? There are two different types of knights.

A knight in shining armor?

… Or the black knight.

(A.K.A. - the evil dude)

People could be looking up to you in awe – or in horror. Which would you prefer and why?

So, our story begins with its players:

A knight and a paladin.

Where do you think our adventures should take us? Some far away kingdom? An icy, treacherous waste land? A concrete jungle full of twists and turns, with danger at every corner? Where would you venture… and for what would you search for, oh skilled knight?

Tag, you’re it now…

Your pen pal,


Clicking send, she smiled.

* * *

The next morning,it was much of the same routine.

She got up, threw on her clothes, pulling her hair back in a ponytail, before braiding it and pinning the bun loosely in place. She had a massive jar of hair gel in order to put her hair within regulation – but sometimes if it was windy out? The sand would get stuck, making her hair and scalp so very gritty that it was disgusting to wash out.

Walking out of the mess hall with a banana, a slice of toast with fried Spam on top… she heard the jets in the distance again, stopping to take a look at the horizon once more.

Her favorite morning ritual.

You could already see waves of heat coming up from the ground as the sun rose. It was going to be an extremely hot one today and nearly choked as she took a bite of her food.

There was a single lone figure standing off in the distance, looking towards the Army base.

She could see the tiny outline against the glaring sun behind him, rippling in the orange and red hues, before he began to walk back towards the building. She couldn’t see any of his features from this distance and knew he probably couldn’t pick her out of the ‘ant hill’ that was milling around her as the base came to life around her here, during the early morning hours.

Surely, he didn’t suspect that she was here… nearby… did he?

Feeling alarmed, she walked inside and checked her email to see if he had responded – and saw nothing there yet.

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