Page 118 of Forever Fabled

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“Pie,” Keyes announced, surprising all of them. “What? Just because I obey the rules doesn’t mean I can’t like pie, you dorks. I love pie. It’s like God’s perfect gift to humans… crust, sugar, fruit – what’s not to love?”

Morrison smiled, kneeling to pet Trigger, before looking up.

“I think everyone would be happy with anything if they got a break from here – and I speak for all of us when I say, ‘Just be happy’and we hope to see you again sometime, Doc. Now, you know the drill. Get in there, yank your ‘bone dome’on, and let’s get moving.”

“We’ve got three more…” a voice called out, interrupting them and Giselle fought the urge to throw herself into Austin’s arms as he was brought to the truck that was waiting at the gate – along with another two men.

“Up and at ‘em, everyone… Zoomies, too. We need to get moving and there’s no reason to let our ‘buddies’ get in position.”

Everyone climbed into the truck – including Giselle, Austin, and the other two men, one who immediately stuck out his hand towards her once they were seated.

“Reaper, miss,” he said simply. “Congratulations – even though I’m late.”

“Riptide,” the other volunteered simply, sitting back in the truck as the other soldiers settled around them.

“Reaper’s going to visit his wife in Yonder,” Austin volunteered, smiling easily at her. “Sophie. We met her at dinner and again at the reception.”

“Oh my gosh…that’sReaper?!”

“I guess my wife talks about me?” the man chuckled quietly with a slight smile on his face. “I miss my bride and want to see my son… and thought this was a perfect chance to disconnect for a few moments, because I might not be able to again if things liven up. Besides, Ricochet’s got this under control for a week.”

“Hang on,” Selkirk yelled from the driver’s seat. “Formula One Racing - eat your heart out, babiessss…!”

The truck surged forward at a breakneck pace, causing all of them to look at each other in a little bit of surprise, alarm… and a silent joy as she took Austin’s hand in hers.

“We’re going home,” she whispered, smiling at him.

* * *

Fourteen hours later,they were landing in Texas… and beyond exhausted. Shockingly enough, the man that Austin said was quiet all the time, talked the entire second half of the trip.

She was surprised that Riptide had gotten their seats all rearranged so the four of them were sitting together and listened fascinated as they talked about all sorts of things… including Austin’s call sign.

“… Did he ever tell you how Sparky ended up in Ghazni?”


“Oh geez…” Austin muttered, laughing. “One stupid mistake and it haunts you for life.”

“They could have called you ‘Pyro’ or something with that stunt.”

Giselle looked at Austin, shocked and a little nervous that maybe she didn’t know him as well as she thought.

“They are making a mountain out of a molehill,” Austin said quickly. “It wasn’t like that – at all. I was just a stupid kid trying to fit in… and did stupid things.”

“Very,” Reaper quipped, laughing.

“Why did they call you Sparky?”

“Well, so, ah…” he hesitated, rubbing the back of his neck nervously and smiled at her. “I was getting quite well-known for being this dumb, playful kid around the Academy and I was put to a dare.”


“One of the guys said, ‘Hey Beavis, bet you won’t hit this with a hammer?’– and I was motivated to do whatever he was saying because I did not want to get stuck withBeavisorButtheadas a call sign,” Austin laughed nervously. “A lot of times when you are dubbed something? It sticks and suddenly everyone just calls you that name – eh Riptide?”

“It’s true.”

“I just assumed you surfed a lot…”

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