Page 117 of Forever Fabled

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“I thought we were celebrating?” she laughed easily – only to see him reach down and grab two things. “Ohhhh mercy, the Twizzlers?”

“Heck yeah – I love me some sugar,” he drawled playfully, “And I have an Afghani chocolate bar.”


“Yup. Don’t ask questions,” he chuckled. “I don’t know what’s in it except chocolate, and that it’s supposed to be good. You aren’t allergic to anything, are you?”

“Penicillin… so if I’m ever sick, don’t give me that.”

His eyes widened in surprise.

“Good to know,” he said openly nodding. “Penicillin. Nope. Never getting that stuff ever…”

He broke the chocolate bar in half, looked at it tentatively and raised an eyebrow at her. She truly loved his personality, these moments, and treasured the fact that something so simple or silly as a chocolate bar turned into an event between them.

“Life’s an adventure, remember?” she whispered.

“Always searching for treasure in faraway lands, my love…” he agreed immediately, tapping his part of the chocolate bar gently against the half she held. “Here’s to the sweetest happily ever after a lonely boy could ever imagine.”

She nodded tearfully, smiling at him.

“Here’s to finding home in your heart – and in your arms.”

“Oh gosh yes…” he breathed reverently. “I couldn’t have said it better, Giselle.Youare myhome.”



It was time.

The last few weeks had dragged by but her time in the Army was over. She was so excited, so thankful for these opportunities, but also incredibly ready to start her life with Austin.

She cried bitterly leaving her friends, hugging them, making them promise to write her, and just when she didn’t think she could cry anymore?

Gretchen and Captain Logan were waiting at the truck where Selkirk was standing to drive her - with five other armed men.

She recognized their faces, knew their names, they had been like cousins to her on base, watching out for her… and now they would protect her one last time as she made her way to the airport.

“Let me just say,” Captain Logan began, smiling at her. “While I am not a huge fan of this? I understand.”

Giselle was struggling, eyes burning as her nose ran, swallowing several times before she spoke. She desperately hoped wherever she ended up working that had people like this around her – because it was obvious the captain and Gretchen cared.

“Brisket… I promise,” she choked out, wiping her eyes and smiling.

“And don’t forget the coffee,” Gretchen reminded her, letting out a whimper as she moved to hug her. “I really am so happy for you – and will miss you terribly, but I know we’ll see each other again soon.”

“But not too soon,” Logan interjected, frowning, as Gretchen and Giselle laughed tearfully, hugging once more.

“Alright, alright,” Selkirk said pointedly in a very macho voice. “There’s only room for one set of ovaries on this truck and if me or the guys start boo-hooing? It’s over. You are gonna miss your flight if we don’t get moving soon,Beck-Calder-Whatever-Your-Name-Is-Now…”

Giselle laughed softly, seeing their smiling faces, meeting each one of their eyes before she patted them each on the shoulder, saying her goodbyes.

“… Thank you, my friends,” she whispered to all of them, knowing the danger she was putting them in to make this final flight.

“We like barbecue too, you know,” Talbot volunteered.

“And mac & cheese…” Peña added, smiling. “Just sayin’…”

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