Page 110 of Forever Fabled

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Austin staredat his beloved bride, nearly brought to tears as he realized just how truly precious that she was to him. If the world ended right now, he would die a happy man just staring into those eyes. Those feelings combined with the abject relief coursing through him, grateful they were both alive, and reveling in this stolen moment together…

He was humbled.


“Dinner and drinks tomorrow night, my love?” he breathed, seeing the gentle expression of hers that seemed even softer somehow to his eyes.

“You got it, handsome,” she whispered, caressing his cheek as they shared a smile – just before they jumped nervously at the knock on the door.

“Calder…both Calders– wrap it up,” Captain Logan said bluntly, and she could hear the laughter in his voice as she realized he was quite aware of what was going on in here.

“Oh my gosh…”

Giselle was chuckling nervously, and her cheeks were pink with embarrassment as her eyes danced with horrified amusement.

Austin had no such issues. He grinned baldly, ready to strut happily back to his station, if required. They quickly righted their clothing, just before he stole another quick kiss.

“You look perfect to me.”

“I look like some alley wench…” she hissed, smoothing her hair, and let out a small giggle as Austin winked at her.

“’Alley wench’is the sexiest look – and my favorite.”

“You need to behave…”

“But you like it when Imis-behave…”

“I do,” she admitted tenderly, smiling at him. “I love you.”

“I love you too – and you take care of yourself for me. We’ve got a month left before we are out of here. I’m going to go ahead and turn in my resignation to Reaper tomorrow.”

“I will too. We are going home to start our life, our fairytale, together.”

“Our happily-ever-after…”

… And then Captain Logan knocked again.

“Time’s up,” the man said bluntly. “Don’t try my patience because I will take this door down, airman.”

Austin yanked the door open and saw the other man’s knowing smirk.

“Walk of shame?” Captain Logan asked, holding back a laugh.

“Ain’t no shame in my game… sir,” Austin grinned happily and stuck out his hand to shake the other man’s in sheer gratitude for this unexpected moment of happiness.

Logan glanced at his hand – then back at him pointedly, raising an eyebrow.

“You know why I’m hesitating…”

“This hand never made contact,” Austin volunteered with the other man as they both started laughing – especially at Giselle’s mortified voice.

“Austin! You both need to stop… I swear, I could die of embarrassment right now between the two of you having a good time at my expense.”

“You had a ‘good time’too…”

“Oh my gosh,” Giselle muttered, covering her face as Logan laughed a little harder.

“Stop it, you two. You are just making me miss my wife…” Logan admitted, patting Austin on the shoulder. “I’m going to have someone provide an armed escort for you back – and your wife is going back to the clinic, right?”

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