Page 196 of Falling For The Boss

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“Where’d he go?”

Sloane shrugged, still dumbfounded that a temporary employee had asked her to cover the phones—her business phones—so he could run out for an afternoon pick-me-up for them. What the heck did that even mean?

“Did you fire him?” Rena’s shrill voice yanked her from her thoughts.

“What?” Sloane rolled her eyes. “No.”

“He’s a pretty good guy, Sloane,” Rena announced. “He’s getting the hang of the books really fast. Well, except for accrual basis accounting.”

“Mm-hmm.” Sloane perched on the edge of his desk. “After lying to get the job.”

“He lied to get the receptionist position. He offered to help with this stuff because we’re slammed.”

“Where’d he go to school?” Sloane held her breath, hoping Rena wouldn’t say the School of Hard Knocks. Then again, he didn’t give that impression at all. He was well-dressed in nice business-casual clothes. And he did seem educated and courteous. That was really all his actual job description required. He didn’t even need a degree to answer phones as long as he could navigate their calendar and scheduling software.


“Hmm.” Sloane nodded, unwilling to let Rena know she was impressed.

“He’s kind of cute.”

“Have at him.” Sloane shook her head as she slid off the desk to stand again.

“I’m in a relationship.” Rena’s reminder dripped with suggestion and syrup.

“Oh, no. Nope. No way.” Sloane crossed her arms over her chest and tipped her chin down. He was too young. He probably had three forks, a plate, and Solo cups in his house. Unless he lived with his parents. He worked for her—strike two. And, besides, she wasn’t interested in dating. She didn’t have time for it. Now and then, if she got bored with herself, she’d grab dinner with a friend or go peruse the bookstore or boutiques downtown, but she didn’t need a boyfriend right now.

“Sloane, he looks like Mike Ash.”


Sloane knew the point Rena was trying to make, but she wouldn’t make it easy for her. Mike Ash had been a senior when they were freshman at the university she and Rena attended. They both liked him; he was the dreamy guy with vivid blue eyes, perfect hair, and nice shoulders.

“So? Are you kidding me? You were dying to go out with him.”

“Was not.” Sloane made the trek back down the hall to her office, Rena hot on her trail.

“Were too.”

She had been, but she she’d given up on that when Mike Ash graduated and moved away. She never pined over him, and she didn’t want to date an employee just because he looked a little bit like Mike Ash.

Besides, there was no way Jed’s shoulders would measure up to Mike’s.

“Just don’t fire him before we get more help,” Rena pleaded. “Yeah, I had to show him how to do the books, but he picked it up quickly. He’s conscientious. Does a good job.”

“I’m not gonna fire him,” Sloane promised. “But I’m not gonna date him, either.”

Rena mumbled something, but before Sloane could ask her to repeat herself, the phone rang.

“Excuse me.” She rolled her eyes as she dropped into her chair and reached for the phone. “I was asked to cover the phones while our receptionist is out of the office.”

Rena turned her head away but not before Sloane saw the smirk on her face.

Chapter Five


Jed nodded along to the beat he heard in his head as he rode the elevator back up to the 5th floor of the Washington Building, where Garrison Accounting was located. When the doors opened, he stepped out on the marble floor, nodded hello to a small group of professional-looking people waiting to get on, and carried the drink tray down the hall.

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