Page 195 of Falling For The Boss

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“Okay. Great.” Jed drew in a deep breath and let it out as he sank back in his chair. “Bingham is done for the month.”

Sloane frowned. “Really?”


“You have no idea what you’re even doing, do you?” she asked him. Partly amused and partly irritated, she moved closer to his desk to look at the numbers on the screen. The phone rang as she leaned around Rena to see better.

“Garrison Accounting, this is Jed. How may I help you?”

Sloane looked at Rena, irritated further to have to admit the numbers, Bingham’s books, looked correct. She wondered if Rena had been out here helping Jed all day. It wouldn’t matter if Jed did any books correctly; if Rena spent all her time helping him, they would still be behind.

“Just a second, please.” Jed pushed the hold button and looked up at Rena. “Alexa Hanson for you.”

“Oh, good!” Rena nodded and slipped away before Sloane could question her on how much time she’d spent today teaching Jed the ins and outs of accounting.

“You okay?”

Sloane snapped her head back around to look at him, surprised to find him watching her with concern. Really? She’d just come out of the ladies’ room; she knew she didn’t have lipstick on her teeth or eyeliner smeared under her eyes.

“I am,” she answered with a slow nod. “Why would you ask me that?”

She wasn’t sure what she expected Jed to say, but the way he tipped his head back and forth to assess her well-being made her fidgety. Snatching a pen off his desk, she clicked it a few times, only stopping when she realized how stupid it was to click a pen to snatch back her authority.

“I dunno,” he finally spoke. “You look…stressed. Or tired, maybe.”

“It’s tax season in an accounting office,” she reminded him.

“Rena said you were at the gym this morning.”

“I was.”

“How often do you work out?”

Why was he asking?

“Every day.”

Better question—why was she answering him?

“You ever do cross-fit?”

“What?” Sloane squeezed her eyes closed and lifted her hands to her head. She rubbed her fingertips over her forehead to push the headache back for a while.

“Tell ya what.” Jed stood up so suddenly, Sloane could only stare at him, speechless. The area behind his desk was suddenly a bit too crowded when he stepped toward her. She backed up a step and watched him with a frown, wondering what he was about to suggest.

She might have to call WorkForce and tell them she wasn’t pleased with the latest temp. Usually, they sent her people overqualified, if anything.

“I’ll go get us all an afternoon pick-me-up,” Jed offered.

Uncertain what that meant to him, Sloane quirked an eyebrow.

“Seriously. I know just the thing. Can you cover the phones for me? I’ll be right back.”

Before she could answer him, Jed slipped by her and hurried across the reception area to the main entrance. Sloane watched the door for a second, only turning away when she heard Rena’s heels click on the marble floor.

“What is even happening?” she mumbled.

Rena blinked at Jed’s empty chair and looked back at Sloane.

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