Never You

Author: B. Lustig
Category: Romance
Total pages: 157

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Never You

A five-day road trip, a tenacious hockey player, and a sharp-mouthed PR girl who hates his guts.

When a photo of Rae and me goes viral for all the wrong reasons, I have no desire to pick up my phone and explain why I can’t uphold my politician family’s spotless reputation. Hijacking Rae’s road trip sounds like the perfect break to escape the mess I made with one minor detail: we don’t get along.
The plan was to go off the grid for a couple of days, but spending five days arguing with a hardheaded blonde pushes my buttons in more ways than one. Suddenly, I find her in my arms, and I can’t bring myself to let go, even though my family will never approve.

It all started as a way to escape, but the quicker we get to the end of this road trip, the more I realize I can’t say goodbye. Choosing Rae will alter my own future, but I don’t care until it turns out it will ruin family’s chances too.

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