Page 14 of Lawless Princes

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She’s dressed in a pair of skin-tight jeans and a cropped top that offers a peek of her tanned stomach.

“I have orientation in an hour,” she tells me, and I want to go with her, to keep her safe from everyone who could bring her harm. I need to protect her because she’s not only Judah’s possession. She belongs to all three of us.

However, my schedule is already filled with classes. I’m not a student at the university anymore. I provide the combat training. I show these young boys how to kill. And I fucking love it. As much as I hate the rules we must follow, I was born to do this. To take a life, and to train others to do the same.

I want to ask her if she enjoyed the show last night, but I don’t.

Instead, I say, “I’ll drive you in.”

I offer, wanting to keep her safe. She’s beautiful, exquisite actually, and there’s no denying I can’t wait to have a taste.

She tips her head in frustration, which causes me to smile.

Then she throws back, “I don’t need—”

“There’s no debating this, Brielle. When one of us tells you something is happening, it will happen,” I inform her. The contract is clear—she’s to marry Judah, but that means nothing. It’s merely a business agreement. She belongs to all of us. She’s a possession. Ours to watch over. “And we won’t allow you to leave this house alone.”

“I’ll drive her in,” Emilio says from behind me.

Glancing at her half-brother from over my shoulder, I nod.

“That’s fine. Make sure she’s home right after classes.”

I don’t need to explain to him why. He knows the dangers that lie on the island, and he knows that if something was to happen to her, Judah would lose his mind. There are no feelings involved, but the one thing I know about my best friend is that he doesn’t take kindly to having anything he owns hurt, broken, or stolen.

“I’m not a—”

“Brielle,” Emilio sighs her name. I can read the frustration in his expression as he regards her. “Just listen to us,” he says. “I’m not trying to play happy families with you, but you have to realise this island is full of up and coming soldiers, Capos, and Underbosses. They won’t think twice about making you pay once they learn your name.”

It’s true. Her father is responsible for most of their fathers going to prison. When he defected, he sung like a fucking canary. Everyone knows who he is. We can’t hide who she is from the rest of the students or the faculty, but if they know she’s property of the Princes, they’ll think twice about trying to hurt her.

We’re in charge, we set the rules, and we break them whenever we choose.

“Then why are you still alive?” she throws back, her glare pinned on her brother.

I want to chuckle at her fire. There’s something intoxicating about a woman who can hold her own, and I wonder briefly if she’d be up for training. I doubt Judah would want that, though. None of the female students at the university are allowed to fight or learn the combat techniques we do.

Personally, I think it’s archaic, most times women can infiltrate organisations better than men. Beauty certainly comes before brawn.

“Because I’m one of the Princes. They can’t touch me,” he tells her. “If you want Valen to take you to the campus, that’s fine, but you’re not to go out on your own.”

“You’re not my father,” Brielle grits. “I don’t need you to regulate every aspect of my life. I’ve lived long enough under Papa’s supervision to know how to look after myself.”

“Okay,” I step in before all hell breaks loose and she ends up running away. Even though she can’t get off the island, there are a few places she can hide. Not that I’d tell her that. “I’ll take her.”

I look over at Emilio who’s currently at war with himself. I doubt he wants me anywhere near his sister, but he has to know she’s Judah’s girl now. And that means she’s mine and Kai’s as well. It’s no secret we share everything.

“Fine,” he appeases. “I’ll see you in class,” he informs her coolly before making his way out of the house.

Moments later, the engine on his Maserati roars to life and the tyres squeal as he pulls away and down the drive. The need to sigh is immense, but I tamp it down because I have to be the level-headed one. We’re all on edge having Brielle here, and it’s not going to help if we’re fighting or arguing about shit.

“I need to get my bag,” Brielle tells me before leaving me in the entrance hall.

I can’t stop myself from watching that sweet arse as it sways up the stairs. Not long after she disappears, Judah appears, a smirk curling his lips.

“Desire is a dangerous emotion,” he says as he reaches me. “You may think it’s safe to indulge, but it comes at a price. And you may not want to pay it, Val.”

I know he’s attracted to her because he’d be blind not to be. Brielle is a gorgeous girl, so there’s no reason for himnotto want her. But Judah is stubborn as well, which means he’s going to fight it as much as he can.

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