Page 13 of Lawless Princes

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“I wasn’t spying,” I tell him. “I wanted to explore my new home. Is that a crime?”

“Exploring your new home?” he mimics my words. “Is that what you call watching them fucking?” This time, he chuckles. “They don’t mind an audience, but only with prior permission.”

“It was an accident.”

He takes a step towards me, causing me to flinch. But he doesn’t come too close. “Is that why you’re pretty little cunt is wet?”

“You’re vulgar,” I snap as I turn to walk away, but his hand shoots out and grips my arm before I can escape.

“Don’t ever think you’re safe within these walls,” Judah tells me. “We may protect you from the outside world, which is our duty, but we’re just as dangerous as those out there. Our secrets are locked within this home, and you need to hold them as close as we’ve done all these years. Even though you’ve been given tomein a contract,” he says slowly, “you belong to us all.”

“I don’t need you to save me. I’m not some damsel in distress. And you may think otherwise, but I’m not about to run my mouth off to anyone.”

“Oh, and I am definitely no hero, little spy,” Judah tells me, but I knew that already. He releases me then, and turning, I begin to walk away, but not before he calls out from behind me, “And don’t forget, the next time you fuck up and make me angry, I like seeing you on your knees.”

I don’t offer a retort, because it won’t have any effect him. He won’t feel the hurt. Someone like Judah only responds to violence, and I know I can’t fight him, not right now anyway. Perhaps I’ll have to make the most of being here and train like the rest of the students.

I’ve heard of the archaic lessons at the university where the young men are trained to become soldiers who can kill at the drop of a hat. It’s where they come to terms with the fact that their future’s already laid out for them, and their choices are taken away. They no longer answer to God, they answer to the Boss or to a Capo.

By the time I make it back to my room, anger has blossomed in my gut. I will learn how to kill, and even if Judah won’t allow it, I’ll find a way.

The female students on the island aren’t allowed to learn combat, but they can learn skills that teach them how to infiltrate organisations. In the real world, we are seen as normal citizens, on the island, we’re the princesses of our clans. We’re all from the same violent and destructive world.

I flop onto my bed and stare up at the ceiling. As much as I want to leave, I know I can’t. I’m not at all a violent person. I couldn’t even kill a spider if it came into my home, let alone a man who is almost double my size, but for now, I’ll play their game. I’ll be the dutiful student and learn how to kill a man without flinching.

I roll over, and Judah’s words slam back into my mind,You will beg me for my cock.He has a high regard for himself. But then again, he’s used to the rest of the female population on this island wanting a piece of the future Boss.

I don’t want to admit to myself I was turned on by him. I’m not blind, though, he is good looking with his sharp angular jaw, smooth tanned skin, and green eyes that seem to shimmer with devious intent. And then there’s his messy black hair that falls into his eyes, making him seem less threatening when he smiles.

Everything about him is a trap. He lures you in, and then, when you’re lost to his beauty, he snaps and you’re nothing more than prey in his clutches. And, I have no doubt, Judah Venier will devour every inch until there’s nothing left.

I can’t allow him to get to me. I can’t allow any of them to get to me, including my half-brother. Everything about this is wrong. I can’t believe my father would allow them to take me. It seems I’m nothing more than a pawn to them all.

My eyes flutter as exhaustion takes hold of me. If I manage to escape from here, I know I’ll have nowhere to hide—the mafia will find me. But that doesn’t mean I won’t try.

I want my freedom. Even though I may have to take a few dangerous steps to get there. One day, I will walk away from this life, whether they like it or not.



There’s not muchI wouldn’t do when it comes to the organisation. The familia are more important to me than anyone else. I grew up in a world of vows and violence, where blood is used as ink when we sign our contracts and agreements. I’ve come to terms with the fact my future has been laid out in front of me. There are no choices in this life, because you do as you’re told.

The moment I leave my bedroom and head down the hall, a whiff of sweetness hits my senses and I remember we have a pretty girl in our midst. The fact that she’s Judah’s means nothing. Judah, Kai and I share everything in this house, and she’ll soon come to learn that.

It started innocently enough. We knew the judgement that would arise from our families, especially our fathers, so we’ve kept it quiet. They know of our exploits, there’s no hiding that, but what they don’t know is that our sharing is far more intimate than they would like.

I turn the corner and slam into a soft, pliable, feminine body that I reach out and grab before she can tumble to the floor. Glancing down, I take in our pretty new toy’s face. A doll. She reminds me of those porcelain dolls that my mother used to collect. Perfectly created to taunt men like me. And I’ll gladly play a game with her, enjoying the gentle caress of pink on her cheeks and the way her eyes dart back and forth with uncertainty.

“I-I-I’m sorry,” she mumbles, dropping her gaze to the floor.

Her long, dark lashes flutter against the apples of her cheeks. There is a fragility to her, it makes her seem innocent when the gentle pink hue colours her face. So very breakable. There’s no doubt this delicate beauty will shatter between us. And my dick throbs at the idea. It would be my pleasure to see her come apart at the seams, to see her break, only to put her back together again.

She doesn’t realise I saw her last night, watching Kai and me. I thought she’d run off in shock, but instead, she stood at the bedroom door until Judah dragged her away. I heard him, felt him. There is an innate connection between us all, and I was more focused on her and him than on the woman who was trying to pleasure me and my best friend.

Kai will always do it for me. Cristina was just a vessel I could use at the time.

“Where are you going?” I ask, releasing Brielle from my hold.

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