Page 15 of Lawless Princes

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I’ve known Judah my whole life, and I’ve watched him wage war with his desires. He only gave in when he realised there is no stopping what the heart wants. The three of us—me, Kai, and Judah—are in this together. I step up to him, our bodies flush, and the hardness of his chest presses against my own.

The air turns electric when I lean in, my mouth at his ear, and I know he can feel the warmth of my breath. “Are you talking about me, or you?” I ask as I glance at him, my own smile curving my lips.

I’ve known my best friend for years, since we were born our families have been linked. Our mothers grew up together and were as close as sisters. When they married, it was a double wedding, and then we came along.

“I’m talking about all of us,” he says. “She’s dangerous.”

The warning in his tone has my hackles rising. He must know something about her I don’t because I thought she seemed more afraid of her predicament than dangerous.

I flick my gaze to his. “What do you mean?”

He meets my stare and says, “I don’t want this girl to break our family apart.”

“What makes you think she’ll do that?” I ask, confusion creasing my brow as I watch his expression.

If there’s something I need to know about her, he needs to fucking tell me.

“I don’t trust anyone. You know that,” Judah says, and I nod. It’s no secret. “I need to gauge her interest in us before I can make a decision.”

“You can’t want to kill her?” The surprise in my tone is evident.

The corners of his mouth tip upwards. “If she’s a spy, then we need to eliminate her. That’s the rule. The problem is, I’ve already found her in places she shouldn’t be,” he whispers. “I don’t like it.”

“Because she was watching me and Kai fuck?” Even as the question escapes my lips, I realise there’s more to this, but it has nothing to do with her. “Are you jealous she was watching us?”

“No,” his answer is swift, and it’s a little too quick for my liking, but I believe him. There is something else bothering him about her, something he may not yet want to divulge. I know Judah, I can read him like a book, and his eyes confirm he’s telling the truth, but I can also see that something is worrying him. “If she wants my dick, she’ll have to work for it.”

“Oh, brother, I doubt she will. There’s a fire inside her. She’s not going to beg for anything.” This time, I can’t help but chuckle at him.

“I’m not deaf,” Brielle spits as she reappears. “Even if your dick was the last one on Earth and mankind was heading for extinction, I wouldn’t want it,” she throws at Judah, who’s anger burns in his gaze.

I can tell the rage has overtaken him, but the schooled expression on his face gives nothing away. The man is a statue, made of ice and stone.

“Let me make something clear,” he says, his tone confident as he speaks. “You are mine. You’ve been given to me as my future wife, and that means you’ll take my cock whether you like it or not.”

I shouldn’t be hard as fuck right now, but I am.

Brielle’s mouth pops open in shock, her eyes blazing with anger. “Fuck you, Judah. If you think your cock is coming anywhere near me, you’re wrong.”

Judah moves quickly, his hand wrapping around her slender neck as he pushes her against the pillar.

“If you speak to me like that again, Iwillmake you cry,” he sneers as he leans in. “And I like tears,” he whispers against her ear. “I love to feel them drip on my cock, drenching the shaft so I can fuck you with it. I’ll make sure you’re claimed before you have time to spread those pretty legs for any of the other men on this island. You were given to me, and if you don’t like it, then I suppose you couldtryto run.”

The emphasis on try is clear causing Brielle’s eyes to widen as she glares at him. Even in her predicament, she’s still fighting in her own way.

“But we will always find you,” I say as I step up beside them and grip Brielle’s arm. I need to defuse the situation. Judah releases her and moves away.

“Call into the office when you get back,” he instructs me as he turns on his heel and leaves me alone with the trembling girl.

“He’s a bastard,” she tells me and I chuckle.

“That he is,” I respond with a nod as I head out the door, her soft footsteps following behind me. The weather is clear today as I make my way to the drive where the vehicles are all parked beside each other.

I open the passenger door of my matte black Jeep, and helping her into the seat, I inhale the scent of her perfume that reminds me of warm summer days. I grew up in Italy where fragrances would assault me daily. There are different smells I associate with particular times of my life, and Brielle is bringing back memories of when I was still innocent. When I didn’t have blood lust ruling my actions, and I didn’t know what it was like to kill a man.

In the driver’s seat, I flick on the stereo, and the vibration of the music thumps out of the speakers and through the leather of the seats. I don’t miss how she squirms, and a smile curls my lips.

I want to reach over and run my fingers along her thigh, to see how much she’s affected by my touch. The dynamic between me and my friends isn’t easy to accept, which is why we’ve kept it a secret from our families. Deep down, I wonder if Brielle will want to run when she finds out the truth, that she doesn’t only have one man to contend with, she has three.

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