Page 12 of Lawless Princes

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Even though I already knew he didn’t see me as someone he’d choose to spend his life with, I’d hoped we could at least be friends. But, I realise now that will never be possible with Judah. This isn’t a fairy tale, so I shouldn’t expect a happy ever after.

Sadness holds me hostage as I consider what’s going to happen over the next few weeks and months. My life is going to change, even more than it has already, and it’s out of my control. It feels as if I’m caught in a rip tide, and I’m being pulled under.

As night steals the day, I move through the enormous house and come across a long, dark hallway on the top floor I haven’t explored yet. Thankfully, it’s silent. There’s no one about, and I wonder what they’re doing. There are a few doors along either side, and I wonder if this is where Judah and his friends hang out. Their part of the manor.

Even though I wasn’t forbidden to venture around the house, I’ve a feeling I shouldn’t be here. Call it intuition, but with every step, I feel as if I’m walking into danger. I should turn back, but curiosity burns through me, and my feet move of their own accord.

When I reach the end of the hallway, I look back over my shoulder and note just how dark it is. There are small fake burners fixed to the walls. They mimic flames, but I can tell they’re bulbs, shimmering with a soft orange hue. They offer little light, which makes the hallway rather spooky as I move in the shadows.

Everything about this corridor feels old world. Gothic. It makes me think about the old horror movies I used to binge watch with Papa when I was still in junior school. Only now I’m in my own real life, scary story, and I can’t stop my stomach from churning with worry. This isn’t the best idea, to be wandering around alone, but I was bored and needed to get out of my room.

The cool air that sends a shiver down my spine makes me turn to see if someone is following behind me, but I’m alone. I breathe deeply, hoping to calm my nerves. But it doesn’t help much. I’m going to end up finding something I don’t want to, I’m almost certain. There are always secrets kept hidden in places like this.

Between each doorway, there are paintings that intrigue me. Most of them are scene scapes, but there are a few with depictions of epic battles. I’m about to go back to my room when I hear a sound from behind one of the doors. My need to know more about the men I live with overtakes me and I reach for the door handle.

I twist it gently, praying I don’t capture the attention of whoever is inside. The door nudges open, and the sounds become louder. It’s obvious what’s going on inside from the moans, and I really should turn back, but I can’t stop my curious nature. I inhale a deep breath before I push the door open further, and I’m thankful it doesn’t creak, because I don’t want to be caught spying on whoever’s inside.

The moment I’m able to peek around the door and into the room, my breath hitches in my throat. On the enormous bed are Malachi and Valen, with a woman. Their limbs are all entwined, naked, their bodies writhing in pleasure. But what has my attention is the fact that Kai and Valen are kissing each other. Their mouths fused as their tongues dual. The woman in question is being fucked ruthlessly by Valen while she has Kai’s erection in her mouth.

The scene before me is erotic and beautiful, and I’m lost to the ache between my thighs when a hand is slammed over my mouth. Surprise causes me to scream, but the sound is muffled and the three naked bodies continue their pleasurable ride still unaware of my presence.

Warm breath fans over my ear. “Are you enjoying the show, little spy?” Judah’s voice, a deep and dangerously seductive rumble, vibrates through me.

I want to run, to hide, but he’s got a tight hold on me. His free hand trails over my shoulder, and gently, he brushes over one of my nipples that peaks, hardening from just the slightest touch.

With the precision of a surgeon, his hand moves lower until he reaches the apex of my thighs. Ever so fucking gently, he presses against my mound, causing pleasure to zip through me like an electric current. The need that courses through me makes my body shudder, both in shock and desire.

He doesn’t allow his fingers to tease me, he only applies pressure with the heel of his hand, and my hips move of their own accord. A chuckle vibrates through his chest and into my back, causing embarrassment to warm my cheeks.

I can’t believe he caught me snooping, and I can’t believe Judah caught me, of all people. The bastard is looking at me with far too much satisfaction. He doesn’t trust me, and now this has made it even worse. I’ve no doubt he’ll tell the other two about what he found me doing. And they’ll all know I’ve been sneaking around their home.

“Do you like to watch, princess?” he questions, his voice turning husky, as we both take in the scene before us.

I’ve watched porn before, I’m no prude, but seeing this in real life is something else. Judah doesn’t let up on his taunting, the moans are getting louder, and the gruff orders from both men inside the room send me reeling as I imagine myself in her position with both men’s attention on me.

I try to respond from behind Judah’s hand that’s still clasped over my mouth, but he doesn’t let me speak. Instead, as my knees buckle, he drags me away from the scene and down the hall, holding me close to him. Once we’re far enough away, he spins me round, and removing his hand from my mouth, he grips my throat and slams me against the wall.

“I don’t like spies. I don’t trust you, and I don’t want you in my home. You’re nothing more than a fucking disloyal Saviatti,” he tells me as he takes my hand and presses it to his chest. I can feel his heart beating wildly against his ribs. Then, he slides my palm down until I can feel the hard ridge of the bulge in his trousers. “This,” he says, “will never be yours. And they,” he gestures with his head down the hall to the room we just walked away from, “will do as I say. Don’t think for one second you’ll be like her. You’re owned by us, but you’re nothing more than an asset my father acquired.”

“Fuck you, Judah, I’m not a possession, and you mistake my curiosity for something more. I wouldn’t want any of you, even if you were the last fucking men on this earth.” My words are spat with venom, but I can tell they don’t have their intended effect.

He chuckles at my outburst, and I can’t ignore the fact my hand is still on his hardened cock—there’s no denying the size of it would break me in two. Suddenly, he rips my hand away from his erection and shoves it above my head and against the wall behind me. His hold on my throat doesn’t waver as those darkened orbs pierce me, holding me hostage.

“Let me make something very clear,” he responds, his voice low and threatening, “There will come a time when you realise we’re your saviours. Being on this island doesn’t ensure your safety, especially when the other students discover you’re living with the Princes. And another thing, pretty little spy, one day you will beg me for my cock. You’ll be desperate for it, and when I don’t give it to you, you’ll get on your knees and beg for it like a little whore, just like all the other girls.”

“I’m not one of them,” I throw back easily. “And letmemake something very clear.” Using his words, I lower my tone. “I don’t beg for something that men offer me freely.”

I don’t know why this comment would make him angry, but his fingers tighten around my throat to the point where my eyes water. My free hand shoots to his, and I try to claw his fingers away, but it’s no use. The focus of the gaze he pins me with is enough to tell me there’s no way I’m getting out of his vise-like hold. He could snap my neck right now, and I won’t be able to stop him.

He releases my other hand, and I snatch it away and attempt to pull his grip from my neck. I can’t. He’s too strong. Judah tips his head to the side, regarding me with interest as the corners of his mouth tip upwards into a cruel smirk.

Black spots dot my vision, and I know I’ll pass out soon. Even though I can hold my breath for a minute, this is taking its toll. Leaning in, his lips feather along my cheek and his teeth graze over my earlobe, then he whispers, “This is a dangerous world, Brielle, and if you don’t abide by the rules, you’ll pay dearly for it.”

My legs wobble as his words slowly sink in, and he finally releases me from his harsh hold. I sink to my knees and drag in a breath of much needed air. My lungs work quickly as my vision returns to normal. But Judah doesn’t leave. He watches me on my knees.

I tip my head back. My glare snaps to his face, and his mouth turns to a full-blown wolfish smirk. I didn’t take note earlier that he’s wearing a pair of black trousers and a shirt that’s half unbuttoned. The material offers me a glimpse of his smooth, tanned chest. Dips and peaks of muscle tease me, and I want nothing more than to stab him with something, to make him hurt, but he’s right, the more I fight, the more they’ll push back.

“You look good on your knees,” he tells me nonchalantly as he steps back and takes me in fully. I shift to my feet, standing to my full height before he gets any other ideas. “The next time I find you wandering around where you shouldn’t be, I will make sure you regret every moment of your spying.”

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