Page 10 of Nightmare's Fall

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“Do you know where he is?” Casey asked shyly.

“No, but we’ll make sure he knows to look for you,” I lied smoothly, running my hand gently over Ember’s arm.

“Thanks, Nic.” She climbed to her feet. “I’ve got a few things to do before dinner. See you all later.”

Ember glanced up at me.

“He’s waiting for us in your room,” I supplied. She’d clearly sensed my lie. Our connection was deepening the more time we spent together, as it should.

“We should see what he wants,” Ember said.

“We have a good idea of where Dio is,” I filled her in. “We simply need to investigate.”

She shot to her feet. “Let’s go, then.”

We stood and followed Ember back to the house. Sure enough, Robby waited in her room, snacking on something.

“Hey!” Ember stomped forward and snatched a bag out of the jester’s hands. “Those are mine.”

Robby chuckled. “Then don’t leave them lying around.”

“Jerk. They were in my drawer.” She shook a few pieces of whatever the contested food was into her hand and put the empty package on her dresser. Geraint took his spot in the rocking chair, so I perched on Ember’s bed. She joined me, leaning her shoulder into mine.

That she was so comfortable with me lifted my mood, and I put my arm around her waist, pulling her against me. Ember fit perfectly tucked into my side, and the trusting way she leaned her head against my shoulder made me not want to move for fear of disturbing such a perfect moment.

Robby smiled slyly when he noticed her curl into my arms. I glanced at Geraint, but he looked unperturbed.

“So, where is he?” Ember asked.

“Our dear Dio has somehow gotten himself locked into an assisted living center for intellectually challenged adults,” Robby said.

“He what now?” Ember stiffened in my arms.

“I’m not sure the details,” Robby explained. “I believe tomorrow we should plan on visiting the center and verifying if it is in fact Dio. Then we must swing by the museum he was attempting to rob and see if we can find out why. If he doesn’t simply tell us himself.”

“Wait... what?” Ember sighed. “I’m so confused.”

“Frankly, so am I,” I admitted.

Robby nodded. “Yes. And, as I’m sure Ash will inform you, many of the records are incomplete or lost.”

“So we leave first thing in the morning?” Geraint asked.

“I think that would be best. Perhaps you can endeavor to get both Ember and Prince Nic out of bed at a semi-decent hour.”

Geraint laughed. “I feel they might tie me up with their shadows and shove me in a closet.”

I caught a flash of pink as Ember licked her lips. There were a lot of other things I might want to do with our shadows other than tie up Geraint, and the knight was kind enough to give us plenty of time together, but I didn’t correct him. I was not a morning person.

“I think we can make early happen once in a while,” Ember said, her hand going to my thigh. “Is there anything else?”


“Great, go find Casey. She was looking for you. If you break her heart, I’ll break you,” Ember threatened.

“Mmmm, you’re sexy when you’re threatening,” I said. It just slipped out, but I didn’t regret the words when she slid her hand up my thigh.

“Yes, your highness. I shall also inform your parents that you’re unavailable for a day or two.” Robby bowed and left Ember’s room, ignoring my comment.

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