Page 9 of Nightmare's Fall

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“Yes.” I sighed.

Robby clapped me on the shoulder. “At least she likes you, too.”

“I question if I should interfere even as much as I have.” I glanced at the jester, wondering if he had the answer.

His eyes glinted dangerously. “I think for the knight’s sake, you should continue as you are.”

I raised my eyebrows and slipped into the shadows for a moment before solidifying again.

“Unless you want him gone.”

“No, I don’t.”

“Then carry on as you have been, and all will be well. I will wait for you three in Ember’s room. She always needs a little while to decompress after a performance before she can think about much else. We can make travel plans.” Robby grinned as if he hadn’t just threatened to kill Ember’s knight twice and turned sideways, vanishing.

No closer to any sort of peace of mind, I watched their last movements and hoped Ember wouldn’t notice my troubled thoughts.


“That feels so good,” she murmured as I kneaded her shoulders.

We sat under the big shade tree with the drooping branches in the gardens. It was a little light for my tastes, but it was tolerable. Geraint sat cross-legged next to us. I leaned against the smooth tree trunk, and Ember sat in front of me.

“I’ve been doing this my entire life, and I still get sore if I take time off.”

Geraint flexed his hands. “So do I.”

“Oh, Nic!” Ember twisted around so she could grin at me. “I did something new.”

“Yes, Princess?”

She shut her eyes, scrunching her forehead in concentration. Then the shadows came alive around us. One cold strand twined up my arm before they all dissipated.

Ember sucked in a few breaths, sweat beading on her head from the exertion before she opened her eyes and looked at me again.

I smiled, brushing my thumb along her cheekbone. “Well done, luv.”

“Hello, Casey,” Geraint said, warning us we were no longer alone.

Hopefully before the lyrist could see me, I forced myself completely solid.

“Hi, Geraint!” Casey said brightly. “You two are the definition of amazing.” She sank down to the ground across from Ember. “Hi, Ember, Nic.”

“Hello, Casey,” I said.

“Hey, I didn’t realize you were watching.” Ember leaned back against my chest.

“And miss an opportunity to see the two of you perform? Not a chance.”

Geraint leaned back on his elbows. “Ready for your act next week?”

“Yeah, totally.” She grinned. “Do you know if Robby has figured out your winter plans yet?”

“I am nearly positive we’re accepting the same gig you are,” Geraint replied. “There are a few things still up in the air, but we should know soon enough.”

“That’s fantastic.” Her face lit up with happiness.

Her infatuation with the jester was quite entertaining. I had no idea how Robby would handle it, but I hoped tactfully. Our conversation earlier intruded on my thoughts. I believed that he really would kill Geraint to protect the dream realms. I supposed that was part of his job, to make sure Dream had what it needed to survive.

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