Page 11 of Nightmare's Fall

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I curled shadows around Ember’s legs. She glanced up at me, eyes glinting mischievously.

Geraint noticed and got to his feet, the rocking chair creaking as he did so. Ember reached out with her shadows and twined one around Geraint’s leg. He froze, glanced at me then at Ember.

“Spark,” he whispered, his Irish lilt softening. “We had time earlier, and I know what’s on your mind.”

The shadow dissipated. “Okay, fine.” Ember pushed her lip out in an adorable display of pique.

I glanced at Ember’s drawings that Geraint and Ember had tacked to the walls of their room. Most of them featured the knight if it wasn’t a drawing of a landscape.

“Perhaps you should enjoy the evening with your knight. I can certainly occupy myself elsewhere.”

“I should keep watch.” Geraint moved toward the door.

“One of you needs to stay,” Ember pouted.

I hadn’t moved despite offering to leave. I remembered a request she’d made when we’d first come together about joining her and Geraint for some kinky aerial sex. We hadn’t had time to try any of that, but maybe we could try something similar now.

“I believe you requested some joint activities,” I said quietly.

Geraint raised his eyebrows.

“Uh, I did, but, like, really, only if you’re both comfortable with it.”

“I’m not entirely sure either of us will ever truly be comfortable with it unless we try,” I offered.

“Geraint?” She glanced at the knight.

He studied me for a long moment, expression guarded, before he shifted his attention to Ember and his entire being softened. “We can give it a try.”

“Seriously, only if you’re fine with it.” Ember sucked her lower lip into her mouth.

I wanted nothing more than to pull that concerned expression from her face and replace it with one of ecstasy.

“We’ll try,” I said gently. “If we don’t like it, then we don’t have to do it again.”

“Agreed,” the knight said.

“Great!” Ember bounced on the edge of the bed.

I curled my shadows around her legs, reveling in the feel of her warmth against the cool wisps of essence. I didn’t even have to touch her with my hands to feel her pulse racing faster, the faint squirm of anticipation as my tentacles worked their way higher.

The quiet moan that escaped her lips as her eyes fluttered shut had me instantly hard. I sent more shadows to support her as she lay back on the bed.

“How do you want to do this, Knight?” I couldn’t help teasing Ember while I talked to Geraint.

“I’ll follow your lead.” He hung back, gaze darting between me and Ember uncertainly.

“You know what Ember likes better than I do.”

“Mmm, I’m flexible, an aerialist, and you have shadow powers. Let’s get creative,” she murmured, gasping as one of my shadows slid inside her, curling, teasing her before sliding out again.

“Fuck, that feels so good,” she groaned.

“So what you’re saying is we should hang you upside down?” Geraint said with a mischievous light in his eyes.

“I could be convinced,” Ember said. “For a few minutes, anyway.”

Geraint shot a quick glance my way before he kneeled on the bed next to Ember. “Let’s get your clothing off first.”

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