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“So, I wanted to stop by to give you this.” I handed her a box. “I remembered you mentioning this and talked to Danny since you never got the chance. I wanted you to have it back since we were both so wrong for everything, mostly me.”

My throat felt dry, so I cleared it, and felt how nervous and emotional I felt. Never in my life have I been that emotional about a woman and things were clearer to me than ever.

I watched as Eloise opened the box that held her grandfather’s watch. “I took the liberty of having it cleaned and maintained so it’s in working order. I hope you don’t mind?”

She smiled; I saw the slightest touch of tears in her eyes.

Chapter Twenty


When Wes showed up at my apartment, I didn't know what to do. He stunned me with the Rose, I knew it was no small gesture for a man like Wes.

Knowing that he went through so much trouble to get my grandfather’s watch back for me, that he hadn’t forgotten what I told him touched my heart in ways I hadn’t thought. The last few days had been a mixture of confusing emotions as I continued to ride the pregnancy roller coaster.

I knew one thing for sure, I had feelings that ran a lot deeper for Wes then I’d imagined they would. I knew he was the father of my child, and I couldn't avoid him forever, but he was a player.

I thought about him all the time, missed him, and wanted to see him, hear his voice, and feel him beside me but I wasn’t going to be stupid and accept whatever he felt like tossing my way.

After a few minutes together, the doorbell rang again. Confused, I looked at Wes who smiled, opened it and in walked five people carrying flowers, candies, teddy bears, balloons, and plants.

If that wasn’t enough, I was stunned when another brought in two puppies in carrying cases, one all white the other all black. “Oh, my goodness!” I laughed, shocked.

“I know it’s not as much as I would like to do, as much as you deserve, just a few trinkets for you.”

I couldn’t think straight, pulled those adorable puppies out and held them to me, smiling. I felt this excited happiness in my heart I hadn’t felt in such a long time and laughed. “You're a snake, I should make them take al this back, except these puppies.”

He smiled. “You're right, I’m a snake and you should run as fast and far away as you can. You can take the bad out of the boy but not the boy out of the bad. It’s who I am, Eloise.”

I snuggled each puppy and walked back to him. “Thank you, Wes. This means more to me than you know. I don’t know what to say.” I went with what I felt, set the puppies down and hugged him, felt the warmth of his embrace, and held on a bit longer than I probably should have.

He kissed me, surprisingly I let it happen and felt myself sinking into old habits with him. I couldn’t let that happen, I wasn't going to be a slave to how I felt about him, or our connection, I wanted to be loved. Despite all the gifts he showered me with, they weren't enough, so I pulled away.

“Please Wes, stop.” I got up and put distance between us by standing and moving to the window. He was staring at me; I could feel it.


I heard the pleading in his voice, he was so selfish he didn't even know. I turned around and looked at him. “You have no clue. I can’t believe how stupidly selfish you are. I can’t cal into your arms when you don’t even respect me. You haven’t even apologized for everything you did and said to me, the way you treated me.”

Angry, I ignored him and grabbed my cup of tea, the only thing that seemed to ease my nausea.

I felt his arms around me, he was standing way too close to me in the kitchen. “I’m sorry Eloise.

Please take pity on me and forgive me. I’m sorry for every word I ever said that hurt you, sorry for everything I did, said, or thought about you that was wrong. You are none of those things and I was the one who was wrong. I love you, Eloise. I’ve never loved anyone in my life, and it scares the hell out of me. I can’t even look at another woman now.”

He rested his head against my shoulder, kissed my neck lightly. “I love you. You're all I think about, and I am scared as hell to be a father. I tried to tell myself all I felt was because you are carrying my baby but it’s not. I love you and I’m not going anywhere Eloise. Please tell me you feel the same.”

It took a moment for his words to sink in, I was so in disbelief I turned around, tears fell down my cheeks to see if all he spoke was truth. I knew it the moment I looked into his eyes. I saw the sincerity, the honesty of the love in his heart.

“You love me?” My emotions were out of control.

He held me in his arms then, our foreheads joined, his eyes close to mine. I saw the tears that fell, I felt like I could see straight through to his soul. “Yes, I love you! I never thought to love anyone! I am so undeniably in love with you Eloise.”

I knew I shouldn’t admit it, but I did anyway, unable to deny him anything. “I love you too Wes.

I know I shouldn’t tel you; your head is going to swell and I’m sure you’ll use it against me, but I love you.”

He kissed me, his lips soft and warm against mine. It wasn’t the kiss of a man who wanted just sex, it was the kiss of a man in love. A man confused and scared by his emotions who was laying everything he had on the line for me.

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