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He was still smiling, and I had the urge to slug him, although I knew my right hook wasn’t very good, but then again, my left wasn’t either, so I did not attempt it. He was bigger than me and had more muscle. I sat down on the bed and waited, irritated when he turned to me.

“What could you have had that MY brother would take and why? He doesn't need anything from anyone. You're just making this up because you don't want to admit that you're still in love with him. Why else would you have shown up at the party looking the way you do and called him after you left my house. At first, I thought you weren’t, but all your actions point at the very least to that.”

He sounded off, his eyes were averted, he sounded the slightest hint of jealousy. I was intrigued. “Aw, are you insecure when compared to your brother? Does it bother you that a woman wouldn’t choose you over Danny? Well, I will tell you Sienna would choose you over him in a heartbeat, but for the record, not every woman is going to fall at your feet.” Now it was my turn to laugh.

He frowned when he looked at me again. “That’s not it at all. So, if what you say is true, what was it that you wanted?”

Our eyes met and my heart started racing, the desire I saw in his eyes, a mixture of passion and something else that I wasn’t ready to acknowledge. I swallowed hard. “It was my grandfather’s watch, the only thing I had left from him. I gave it to Danny when I thought he and I would be together forever but after you told him all those things, he said he was keeping it since my grandfather wouldn’t have appreciated that I was a thief and likely taken it back anyway.”

My chest hurt then, I fought back the tears I could feel coming, and looked away. The last thing I needed was Wes seeing me cry over a watch. It didn't work, a few sobs and tears poured out.

I still missed my grandfather very much, and that watch was the only thing I had to remember him by.

Giving it to Danny had been about my love for him, like I loved my grandfather, when he broke my heart, I wanted it back, but he never gave it back to me no matter how many times he asked.

He told me he forgave me, that he understood at that time I needed to steal from him because I had issues.

“Are you crying?”

Wes’s voice broke through my emotional pain, and I stuffed it all back down where it belonged.

“What if I am?” I turned to him, letting al my pain and anger show.

Chapter Seventeen


She was serious, I couldn’t understand how she would cry over something like a watch, until I saw the look on her face, and felt my family's heirloom ring on my finger, a constant reminder of my ties and connection to those I cared about.

I felt her pain, saw it, and wanted to take it away. It was ludicrous to imagine that after all these years she was still trying to get it back. I couldn’t understand why Danny never gave it back to her.

“My brother might have kept it for a time, but he would have given it back, he doesn't have it in him to be that deceitful no matter what.

“You told him I had issues, that I was into drinking and partying and drugs, that was why I stole all that stuff.”

I felt her anger, she was ready to explode from the unresolved issues that still hung in the air between us. I couldn’t focus on that right now, I had to find a way to stop Sienna and my brother from turning her over to the police with false accusations.

Before I could do that, I needed to get Danny alone to let him listen to the recordings of his bride to be, so the right woman went to jail and not the mother of my child. He’d gone straight to bed with Sienna not long after eating the previous night and I had yet to see them.

It was still early and working to my advantage, I was half tempted to escape with Eloise and deal with whatever came when I did. I feared that would tip off Sienna and she would run; I didn't want her getting a hold of my brother again or any other man who was unwittingly seduced by her false charms, so I had to play my cards right.

Victor texted me this morning, as of yet, nothing had gone down at either penthouse but he and a few of his friends were keeping an eye on both places just in case. I knew for a fact their presence could tip off Luis and whoever else he was working with to empty my brother’s penthouse or mine.

It would be a miracle if Sienna wasn’t notified yet and would be acting strange, I would know soon enough when she woke. In the meantime, I had to play it cool so I could get some time with Danny, the only problem would be that Eloise would be left alone with Sienna.

“I said that?” I had to play the part, I wasn’t about to tip off anyone, least of all Eloise until all was done. Then we could have our conversation and I could apologize for everything.

I saw murder in her eyes, she was furious, her fists clenched in her lap. “Yes, you told him that, now I wil never see that watch again.” She burst out crying. I didn't know what to do, her hormones and emotions were out of control from the pregnancy and when she leaned her head against me, I circled her shoulders with my arm and held her close.

“It’s okay Eloise. Don’t cry. I will find it; I am sure he still has it. We will get it back for you.”

“Why? Why would you do that for someone you hate so much? Besides, I am going to jail soon so you might as well let him keep it, so it doesn't get stolen or lost while I am behind bars.”

She was close to crying again, then she got the hiccups and I laughed. “I don’t hate you, Eloise.

I never said that. And we will see what happens, maybe you won’t have to go to jail.”

Her hands came up to cover her face, then she wiped her eyes of the tears that somehow continued to slip down her cheeks. “You might as well have said that! AND yeah, its regular jail or I can be your slave forever, in the bedroom and in the house while I’m pregnant and have a baby. Sure thing Wes! Sounds like a perfect idea! You really are a twisted individual!”

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