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Somehow Wes managed to convince Danny that I should rest until morning. Danny had plans thanks to Sienna calling the authorities in the morning. I was thankful when my head hit the pillow and my tired body was able to rest, but it was not a peaceful sleep, I kept waking up fearing Sienna.

She was unpredictable at best, and I worried what would happen if I went into a deep sleep. My body ached from head to toe and when I got up to pee in the middle of the night a dark figure was waiting for me.

It was Wes, I wanted to say something, stood there for a moment watching him as he did me.

He didn't say anything, so I didn’t, I knew what he thought of me, and how he felt. I used the bathroom and returned to my room, praying I was safe and finally I passed out from exhaustion unsure if I would ever wake up again.

The morning was a nightmare, I woke to find Wes sitting in my room on a chair across from my bed. I blinked, thought it was a dream, closed my eyes again to sleep because I had been dreaming about him.

I don’t know how long I slept that time, but when I opened my eyes again, he was sitting there, a slight smile on his lips. I worried, I was pregnant, he hated me, and he taught me the worst woman on the planet. The only thing he could have on his mind that would make him smile like that was sex.

My stomach was already nauseous, and I hadn’t even moved yet. I closed my eyes yet again and tried to ignore it in vain. I had to get up fast, but he was there, Wes was holding a neat bucket for me.

I didn't care if he was Lucifer himself at that moment. He could have been the devil incarnate or a man ready to slit my throat., I was sick and there was nothing to it. I dry heaved over and over again. I felt the slightest hint of fingers touching my head and then my hair was away from my face and tied up atop my head.

By the time I was done, I felt awful, not only had I tossed my cookies, but I looked like hell and smelled. I was embarrassed, not a way for a man to see a woman, even though he didn't think very highly of me.

I rolled over, and he was there again, a warm cloth held out to me. I took it, wiped my mouth and face and he took it back, and tossed it in the laundry bin in the corner of the rustic room. I felt too awful to care at that moment, but I was entirely confused.

When I laid back, I covered my face with the pillow so I could black out Wes and the room. The light was blaring in through the open window, the mystical blue of the walls felt like it was spinning. I had to get my vitamin down, but there was no way I was attempting it until my stomachs stopped dancing.

I couldn’t take it anymore. I had to look, had to know, say something, and see what Wes was all about. A man like Wes didn't take care of a woman, he’d hire someone to do it. He didn't soothe a woman’s sickness because he was incapable of loving anyone other than himself.

I gave my stomach another moment to calm down and rolled over to look at him, one eye peeking out from beneath the pillow, the other hidden. He smiled then but still said nothing, his eyes soft, his face relaxed.

This didn't look like a man that hated me, this didn't look like a man that thought horrible things about me, like I was lying about who the father of my child was and that I was a thief. None of it made sense.

I knew he was watching me, just as I watched him, and when I could take no more, I sat up in bed and leaned back against the headboard. He stood up then, walked to the door and brought a tray of food into the room.

Confused, I finally had to say something before I went mad from not knowing. “What the hell are you doing Wes?”

“Taking care of you. Someone has to do it and since you aren’t feeling well and under my care for the time being I will do it.” He silenced me with that one sentence. I looked down at the tray he laid on my lap.

Then it all made sense, he was determined to get everything out of me that he wanted. I left before he got to talk to me. He owned me for a period of time, at least in his twisted mind he did. The rest of the world would think differently but apparently, he thought I belonged to him, as punishment as he had reminded me so conveniently.

Mad at him, I tried my best to avoid his eyes but when I saw the food on the tray when he lifted the lid my stomach decided it didn't care. He could have shackled me to the bed for a month straight, suddenly all the nausea was gone, and I was starved.

He set the lid down beside me and rested against me at the edge of the bed. “You have to eat to keep your baby healthy. Do you need help?” He eyed the plate of food as if contemplating where to start.

I was two steps ahead of him and grabbed my fork to dig into the French toast someone took the time to make. “Thank you but I can do it myself. You’re acting so strange I’d think you were in love, or we were a couple, but then I recalled our previous deal, I still owe you for all the wrong I did to your family.”

I bit into the syrup-covered toast and nearly died from how delicious it tasted, slathered with fresh berries, and a slight smearing of butter atop, the tiniest hint of powdered sugar atop, it was heaven on a plate.

I closed my eyes, savored every last mouthful as I ate, and tried to avoid looking at him or interacting with him. When I opened my eyes, he was watching me again. I should have been annoyed, but I didn't care at the moment.

I finished it without much fuss and was happy that my stomach was revolting and ready to shoot it back up again. I sipped the tea, a pleasantly spicy concoction next to it, and sampled the sausage.

“What I can’t figure out is how come you are being so calm now that you know everything I’ve done. I’m a liar, a thief, a complete criminal and pregnant with someone's baby.” I waved my fork in the air, uncaring if I poked him in the face.

“You forgot deceitful and wicked and still in love with my brother.” He was serious then.

This sent me over the edge, my emotions were a roller coaster anymore so yelling at him for this infraction meant nothing to me. I was not going to tolerate being told who I was and wasn’t in love with anyone. If I was going to be accused of something it better be at least a little correct.

“I AM NOT IN LOVE WITH DANNY. The only reason I showed up was yes to make him jealous but also to get back something HE took from me and kept.”

Wes’s eyes lit up then and he started laughing. His laugh did nothing to soothe my hormones or emotions. He had the audacity to mock what I said.

“What are you laughing at Wes?” I tossed the napkin down on the tray, slipped past him and headed to the bathroom where I took a pee and returned to find him sitting exactly where I’d left him.

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