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I smiled then; it was time to change my tactics. “You're right. Victor, I guess it’s time for you to take your leave for now. I sent you that email before, you know the one I told you about, you have to get back to the city and check on my place. I’m having a construction company come in and do some work on my penthouse and it can’t be delayed. I will send you a message in a bit with any other details I forgot to mention.”

Victor and I had a way of communicating without words sometimes, and I silently prayed he understood what I was trying to say. His nod told me he partial y understood. “Yes sir. I will head home and keep an eye on things, make sure nothing goes wrong with the work. I will review the email and look for that text message later while in flight.”

“Oh no. He shouldn’t go, isn’t there any way Victor can stay with Wes?” Sienna stepped around Danny and stood in front of me, a fake innocent and sweet look on her face. Shawn’s words kept echoing in my head.

“No, he has to go. Sorry, since when are you so friendly with your help? I know you are the dearest, sweetest, most caring woman I know, and I am so happy we are going to be family, you my sister-in-law but I got this. I appreciate your concern.”

I saw frustration and anger masked in her eyes and looked over her shoulder with a smile.

“Right brother?”

“Yes. Sienna, you are being so sil y. Come here! All this really does have you so stressed out.

Let Wes handle his own affairs. Hopefully one day soon he will find a woman like you to love and care for him and she can handle his life, for now, leave him be.”

Chapter Sixteen


I never got a chance to talk to Danny, Sienna was there when he picked me up. She stayed by my side right away and every time I tried to get a moment alone, she caught on. It was clear from the moment he picked me up something was going on, she seemed to talk nonstop and was in a great hurry to get going.

Before I got a chance to say anything Sienna took me aside for what I thought was a conversation and then set me up, so it looked like she caught me stealing something and ran to Danny.

Mortified I couldn’t think fast enough to come up with anything as her accusations came flying back at me. Then she confessed al the lies she’d formulated in her mind; I was the fall girl and it set up al along. She’d befriended me because she needed someone to blame it on who would take the fall so she and her friend Luis could get away with everything.

She’d been thoughtful and Danny sucked it al up as she told a long lengthy story that went all the way back to when Wes accused me of stealing from Danny. It had been her all along, the beginning of her wicked plan for Danny, his money and future. Danny fell right into the trap.

I couldn’t hate him for it, he was a fool in love with the wrong woman. He believed everything she said because he’d lost his heart to Sienna. In the end we would both pay the ultimate price.

I’d been forced to go to Aspen, in some sick twisted plan that Sienna contrived and when War showed up, I wanted to sink into a hole, never to return.

I didn't know if he’d read my emails and listened to the recordings, judging by the way he acted, he hadn’t, but something seemed different. He was too calm, too calm for a man that would have been angrier at that moment.

I chose to keep my mouth closed as he, Danny and Sienna discussed their plans for me. When Wes told Victor to leave, I was glad, something in my gut told me that Sienna was going to have Wes or Danny’s penthouse robbed. It was too convenient that everyone was in Aspen now and she was throwing a fit that Victor was going to leave.

I felt sick, my stomach kept turning somersaults during and after the flight. I wanted to beg Danny for food but never got a chance and felt faint.

After Victor took his leave Wes got comfortable on the couch. “We should give her something to eat while we figure out what’s going to happen to her. She is pregnant and no matter who the father is, and what she planned on doing, it's the right thing to do, Sienna, don’t you think?”

She was caught, I could see it in her eyes. The last thing Sienna wanted to do was feed me, I couldn’t even imagine how she was dealing with morning sickness, unless her pregnancy had been a lie she’d formulated to get closer to me. That thought made me even sicker.

She smiled serenely. “Absolutely. Let me make you something to eat, Eloise.”

Fearful I looked at Wes, hoping he was thinking the same thing I was, when our eyes met, I wanted to lean into him and cry.

He laughed then, averted his eyes back to Sienna. “Sienna what a kidder you are! You don’t even cook. Why don’t we all order something to eat, have it delivered. I have to confess I am starving; I didn't eat on the plane; I was so confused.”

“That’s a great idea! Sienna, go grab those menus, I could go for some Thai food, what about you Wes?”

“Sounds good to me!”

“She’s a liar and thief and you want to order Thai for her, you are both insane.”

Danny spoke up then, smiling. “Listen love, she is going to jail soon. The least we can do is offer her one last healthy and delightful meal, it's the only human thing to do.”

I was thankful when Wes took charge, placing the order and picking my food, paying for it, and grabbing it when the delivery person showed up so Sienna couldn’t try and poison me. I didn't know if she was capable of that, but I didn't want to find out either.

I ate, everyone pretty much ignored me, and I prayed I wouldn't get sick, since Sienna would likely humiliate me then too.

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