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“He told me this morning in a text that you might need to talk to another woman about something. What’s up?”

I was shocked that Wes talked to Sienna about my personal matters, it upset me. I had to force that down and keep going to get answers. “Well, I do need to talk to you, but I also need to get out of here to do it. Do you think we could go shopping now and then we could discuss it?”

Sienna instantly brightened up, a dazzling smile on her face. “Of course, the boys will be busy for a while, and we can use the car to go. I have an errand to run anyway, to that place we went to before and then you can tell me what’s going on.”

I knew what I had to do then and waited patiently for her to get ready. We said nothing when we left, and I worried Wes was going to call the police. I decided it was a chance I was willing to take to get to the truth and forgot all about my other problem.

As we drove to the shop, I innocently recorded our conversation on my phone.

“So, Eloise, what did you want to talk to me about, Wes seemed to think it was important?”

Sienna was cheerful and I wondered if it had to do with visiting the pawn shop again.

“Well, I realized the other day that I haven’t taken my birth control in weeks.”

She laughed; I was irritated how she could laugh at a very delicate if not scary subject. “My goodness, I had a scare like that once, thank goodness it turned out okay and I wasn’t pregnant.

Danny and I haven’t talked about it yet, but I don’t want children, I’m not cut out for being a mother I’m too selfish. But after I stop at the pawn shop to get rid of some things, we get you a pregnancy kit. What are you going to do if you are?”

I was feeling overwhelmed, watching the streets pass by as she drove. “I don’t know. Oddly I’d like to keep it, I don’t know why but it's not like Wes is going to want to be a dad.”

She patted my hand. “Wow, you have it bad for him. I have to tell you I've thought about him like that more than a few times, just saying. He’s hot as hell and sometimes I must confess I fantasize about him when Danny and I are together.”

I kept my mouth shut, stunned. Her phone rang then. “Hello. Yes, she’s with me, we are running an errand and then we will be back, tell her boyfriend he can relax, I’m not kidnapping her. Goodness Danny he must real y be in love.” She laughed and threw me a look when she hung up. “I think he’s really taken with you. If you were smart, you’d dangle the goods, hide the pregnancy if there is one and get that engagement ring while you can so he doesn’t change his mind.”

When we got to the pawn shop, I followed Sienna in and continued to record what she and the shop owner said while standing close by. They must have sensed something was off and moved to the back room. It was at this moment I turned on the video camera and filmed everything.

Twenty minutes later we were on our way to the pharmacy to get me a pregnancy test kit, I was scared and thanks to Wes not finding the solace and peace I needed with Sienna. At the very least being with her provided me with documentation that something was up. I still had no clue what she was doing other than taking stuff from Danny and pawning it off.

“Are you ready to take this test?” We were back at Danny’s house, locked in the bathroom.

With shaking fingers, I went and used the bathroom, did the test, and handed it to Sienna.

“Here I can’t look, just tell me what it says.”

“Sure thing Eloise, this is so exciting, I have to admit I am curious if you're pregnant. I’m not sure Wes would make a good father but at least he has money, right?”

I mentally berated myself for not having the recorder on, but I wasn’t ready to reveal a pregnancy if there was one. I sat, scrolling through my phone, and waiting for the results, saying a silent prayer to heaven that I wasn’t pregnant, I wasn’t ready for that, and Wes wasn’t either.

She started laughing then. “Oh my.”

“What!” I rushed over to the counter afraid to look but she pulled it away.

“If I tell you a secret, do you promise to keep it a secret?”

“Sure.” Confused as to what game Sienna was playing, I was willing to do anything at that moment just to find out if I was pregnant or not.

“I’m pregnant. I wasn’t going to tell Danny until after we were married because it’s not his baby, and he can’t know. But the good news is I’m not alone, you're pregnant, is there any chance it could be someone else's baby?”

“No.” I could barely breathe, looked at my stomach in the mirror and hers and frowned. “How far along are you? And who's the father, if not Danny?”

She admired herself in the mirror, lifting her top to see her bel y, with a smile. “It’s this guy Luis, he’s a friend of that guy at the pawn shop. We were having a wild affair behind his girlfriend's back when Danny asked me out. It’s nothing really, just a little fling and since he doesn't have any money, I figure I should at least cry off and pretend it’s Danny’s since he’s so rich and adores me.” She chuckled, and I felt my stomach do flip flops as I tried to digest everything she shared.

I glanced at the test to confirm and felt lightheaded. “Oh, my goodness I have to sit down, I don’t know if I’m ready for this.” I sank to the floor, my head in my hands and thought of Wes, how he would feel about it, how I felt about being pregnant and came up with nothing.

I grabbed my phone then, ready to call someone, anyone, my aunt who lived hundreds of miles away, my cousin who lived even further or one of my girlfriends. I needed to get away, but I still had almost a week to go before I was done serving Wes. Without her realizing it I turned on the recorder again and cried.

“Oh, honey don’t cry.” Sienna was on the floor next to me then. “Listen, you just need to use this to your advantage like I’m doing. In case you didn't notice, I’ve been taking things from around here and selling them, creating a little nest egg for me and the baby. Honestly, I have no plans to stay with Danny, he’s not really my kind of man, he’s kind of boring in the bedroom.”

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