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Her height seemed unusual but as I felt her body intimately pressed against mine, I realized it was probably the rest of her curvy assets that got her most of her jobs and height didn't really matter.

Her height was an asset, petite and at just the right height for me to kiss her over and over again. Put her in a nice pair of stilettos and she was at the perfect height to fuck from the back, her delicate hands pressed against the elevator wall.

She was watching me, as if waiting for me to say something, do something that would make her feel better. I smiled at her, feeling the power of my position, literally and hypothetically. I leaned down, mere inches from stealing a taste of those lips when my phone buzzed.

“Damn it. Give me a second baby. Don’t move.” I pul ed back slightly, letting my hand fall so I could hold hers to offer some comfort. My muscles are still tight like a predator ready to sink its teeth into its prey. “Yeah, what is it?”

I didn't bother to look at the phone number, my ear pressed to the phone. I smiled at Alexandra, hoping whatever I could give her at that moment would keep the heat that was building between us super high.

“Don’t talk shit to me, where the hel are you?” My brother’s irritated voice shot back at me across the phone.

“I’m in this stupid elevator, stuck. Alexandra and I are together, but it looks like we might be together for a while, something about the maintenance guy being out.” I shifted my weight from side to side and took the opportunity to run the back of my hand along Alexandra’s outer thigh.

I glanced her way, she looked curious but unmoved by my intimate gesture, so I did it again, a little rougher. When she didn’t even blink, I thought I might be losing my touch but that was impossible.

She smiled, and her eyes wandered to my phone. “Hey, I gotta go bro, I’m not even sure how I am talking to you right now in this damned elevator, but we will be there as soon as we can.”

“Okay bro, be careful with whoever you got there, getting stuck in an elevator with a seductress has been known to cause a few surprise babies.” I heard my brother's laughter and then the phone died before I could say anything else.

I couldn’t understand what he meant aboutwhoever I was withbut considering I got a phone call in the elevator I never usually got, maybe he didn't hear me. I turned back to Alexandra and smiled. “So, do you mind if I call you Alex for short? It's really sexy, and I don’t want us to be on formal terms if we are stuck here together for a while.”

“So, when are we getting out of here?” Her fear was back, her eyes fell to my pocket where I tossed my phone.

She needed a bit of tender loving care to warm up to the idea of us. Considering this was clearly a very stressful situation for her I lifted her hand to my lips and kissed the top lightly. Gently I moved to her neck, nibbled, and kissed, licked, and tasted, I closed my eyes and sunk into her sweet scent.

I felt it, the first stirrings of the beast inside me wanting to be set free from his cage. My muscles were tight, my shaft stiff, my heartbeat accelerated. I pressed myself into her so she could feel how rock hard I was at the moment.

Her hands went around my waist again. Clearly this was a position she liked, she wanted to feel secure, safe, and protected in this moment and I was up for the task. I ignored her lack of emotion even though I knew my seductive moves would make any woman melt.

I wrapped my arms around her body, pulled her voluptuous curves close so I could feel every delicious inch of her. I felt her shiver and couldn’t resist exploring more of her body. I let my hands run a trail of seductive caresses up and down her back, stopping at her bottom to give her a firm squeeze.

Stunned, I got nothing. Not a quiver, not a shiver, not even a murmur or heaven help me a groan. Either I was losing my touch or Alexandra was insanely afraid of elevators. Using my thumb and forefinger I lifted her chin, so she was forced to look at me.

Her eyes were soft, I could see she was still afraid but not entirely and unbearably so.

Confused, I probed. “Are you okay?”

“No, I have a phobia of elevators. I’m so scared right now. What are we going to do to get out of here? I don’t think I can take much more of this, was that the repair guy?”

What could I do? I looked heavenward to the blaring lights above us that would die down at some point depending on how long we were in this damned elevator and thought. It was clear whatever fantasy I had in my mind wasn’t going to happen until I put her fears to rest.

My mind was abuzz with excitement about the prospect of bedding Alexandra. She was every man’s fantasy but more than ever, she was mine. I’d been dreaming about her literally every night since I saw that billboard.

“No, it wasn’t the repair guy. It was my brother; he was wondering where I was and how come I’m not at the party already. I can’t help but tell you how much I want to fuck you right now! You are so succulent and sweet, I’m kind of glad we're here in this elevator. I’m wondering what those beautiful tits will look like filling my hands, and how wet you are. My cock is throbbing, I don’t mind saying.” Sadly, I shifted gears, leaned back, but kept my arms around her for her comfort and my pleasure.

I wasn't sure how Alexandra would take my vulgar words, but I had to tell her. My hands were behaving but my dick was begging to come out and play. I thought by shocking her I would not only get laid but also soothe that worry I saw in her eyes.

The last thing I needed was a hysterical woman in my hands trapped inside an elevator without any sign of getting out or having sex any time soon. There was a caged animal inside me dying to get out, and a frightened woman’s unpredictable emotions could be deadly in such a small space.

She said nothing in response to my bold comments, but I saw interest in her eyes and her hard nipples pressing against her top. Either she wasn’t wearing a bra, or it was a sheer, lacy thing.

I didn’t give a fuck either way, as long as I could lick and suck them. “So why do you have a phobia of elevators?”

Her eyes moved from mine to my chest. She started to fuss, her eyes fixated on something I couldn't see, her nail polish, a stain on my shirt.

“I’d rather not talk about it right now. I’m just really scared. Thank you for holding me, I feel so foolish like this. Usually, I am better at controlling it but with no sign of when we are going to get out of here, I feel so sick inside. I’m sorry.” She bit her bottom lip; I wanted to nibble and suck it.

I wanted to fuck her, I could think of nothing but her full breasts filling my hands, how wet she felt between her legs and what it would feel like to have her beneath me. Meanwhile she was frightened and sorry about it. I felt like the biggest jerk on the planet and worried it would ruin my chances of fingering her clit.

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