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I gave my brother a warning look as I passed by, determined to fill my stomach which was completely empty at the moment. I spent the next half hour noshing on the leftovers, ignoring all the things running through my mind. It wasn’t until they al showed up, and Eloise sat down to eat that I was done.

“Dear brother, I’ve decided Eloise is going to stay the night, and a few more nights. She and Sienna seem to get along great and my bride-to-be wants to go shopping with her. You're thinking of adding her to the bride’s maids list aren’t you darling?”

Sienna was staring at me again, something akin to lust and desire in her eyes as she looked at me. “Yes, I do. I want her to be a bride’s maid if you will Eloise?”

“Well, I…”

“Of course, she will, dear, right Eloise? You guys will have great fun.” My brother was chuckling. I tried not to look at anyone after that.

Chapter Ten


Things were becoming terribly awkward at this point as the night wore on. Sienna was being overly friendly with me after we ate and while I was enjoying it, things felt odd. Her friendliness was a bit over the top considering I was an ex-girlfriend of her man.

Danny and Wes took off after we ate to shoot pool, nothing was said again after that about the ring. I still felt awful, a confused sense of emotions swirling inside me. The anger and dislike I felt for Wes was not as it used to be.

Somehow the time we’d spent together had changed things. I was still angry and hurt by his accusations, in truth he could be a very rude, unkind person. Still, I couldn’t get him out of my head that night when it came time to sleep.

Danny and Wes never returned, and I was left to hang out with Sienna who talked nonstop about fashion, jewelry and how much I looked like the supermodel Alexandra. There was something about her that rubbed me the wrong way, but when I got to bed, I put that aside and let my fantasies and feelings linger on Wes.

I dreamt of him and woke in a cold sweat in the wee hours of the night, darkness around me, wetness between my legs. I lay there letting the sensation I felt linger as I ran my hands across my body and wished it was Wes.

When I felt the bed dip, I screamed. “Ah!” A hand covered my mouth.

“Shhh. It’s Wes, be still, princess. There is no reason to scream.” He kissed my throat, wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close. I closed my eyes and let the feel of his body close to mine comfort and soothe that ache inside me.

The night slipped by on a current of quiet passion and unrelenting desire. When I woke Wes was gone, and I was disappointed. I thought of Sienna again, something about her was bothering me and I didn’t know if I should say anything.

As I thought back, I recalled the odd way she moved around the house, looking at things, touching things and eyeing things up as if she was sizing them up. I couldn’t put my finger on it.

I found everyone enjoying breakfast after I’d cleaned up and tried to mentally prepare myself for shopping with Sienna. Wes had apparently moved in, and although he said little about his missing family heirloom ring, I knew he was still thinking I took it.

It hurt my heart, the reality that Wes thought so little of me, and my character. He could sleep with me, enjoy the pleasures of the flesh with me and yet think so little of me as a person. It showed a level of character on his part that I didn't like.

The shopping trip was odd, as Sienna talked nonstop about herself but then stopped for a quick trip inside a pawn shop. “It will just be a few minutes. I have to sel something, but we mustn’t tell Danny or Wes, okay? Just between us girls but you can come inside with me, have a look around. The owner is a friend of mine, and he has some cool stuff.”

I’d never been in a pawn shop and couldn’t imagine how a woman of her class would be going into a pawn shop in such an area of the city. The store was dirty, it smelled like mold and true to her word Sienna greeted the owner who stood behind the counter with a warm hug.

Johnny as he was called had a bald head, tattoos everywhere including his temple and a bunch of piercings. He was handsome, but not the kind of man I would ever associate Sienna with as a friend.

I kept my mouth shut and watched from a few steps away pretending to be looking at the goods in the glass case. When I caught sight of a ring, she pulled out of her purse I almost fell over.

My instincts were to grab the ring and run but I knew somehow that wouldn’t end wel , so instead I watched as she sold it and a few other things that looked oddly familiar to me, things I’d seen at Danny’s house.

My wheels were turning the entire time we were shopping. She spent excess amounts of money on things I couldn't imagine she even needed, using Danny’s credit card. Then just when I thought we were done after a delectable buffet lunch, she made another stop, taking some of the things she’d bought upstairs.

“Just give me a moment.”

I waited, watching her and the chauffeur carry an assortment of things into the building and upstairs. Mentally I made notes, something was up, and I had the sinking suspicion that neither Danny nor Wes knew anything about it.

I couldn’t say anything yet, and knew this, so later that night I made notes on my phone of everything I’d seen. I had to find a way to talk to Wes about what I’d seen, at least about his ring, since I knew for a fact the ring, she sold was the family heirloom.

I was so exhausted and stressed by the time I was done and ready for bed, and disappointed about Wes not making an appearance. We’d talked little that day, and I didn’t see very much of him either. I closed my eyes feeling like something was missing and fell asleep.

I opened my eyes feeling that same sadness, and knew I was getting far too attached to Wes. I had no clue how this happened, but it had. I also knew that from this moment on I had to avoid Wes as much as possible to prevent my heart from getting attached.

Still, I needed to check in with him to discuss the ring. Since our outing Sienna thought we were now besties and was planning for me to be a part of her wedding party. Danny wasn't taking no for an answer, so begrudgingly I left it alone.

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