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Nevertheless, she was a pretty girl with an obvious submissive streak. That was how I liked my women. But there was something else about her, something that made me want to do more than just stroke my dick inside her wet cunt. I was curious about her. I wanted to stare into her eyes and figure out what was going on inside her head.

For whatever reason, she intrigued me.

But that was beside the point.

“Your name.” This time, I let her sense the command in my tone. And she responded as if instinctively.

“Circe is my name,” she said, and this time, her answer was even less convincing than the last. She was stubborn, but I was even more so. And, of course, I could probably glance at her file currently on my desk, but I didn’t want to.

I wanted to prove a point, HR be damned.

I took another step closer, hearing her breath catch again. Her eyes fluttered, and she nearly swayed, but I caught her by the waist.

“You want to try that again?” I probed, smirking as anger flared in her eyes. Oh, she wasn’t a mouse after all. She was a tigress, a masquerading mouse.

This is going to be so much fun.

“Lisa,” she finally told me, her shoulders slumping in defeat. “My name is Lisa.”

“Good girl,” I murmured, smiling as she shivered a little. The woman was definitely submissive, and if she weren’t currently my new favorite employee, I’d have her on my desk right now. Instead, I brushed the thought aside and pondered on why she’d been so reluctant to give me her name in the first place. I did a mental log and ran through all the Lisas I knew before slamming into a wall of realization.

Lisa Moon.


I backed away from her as I stared down at her in alarm. She stared up at me, and I could almost kick myself. Why the fuck hadn’t I recognized her?

Why should I?I reasoned with myself. We had a one-night stand a long time ago and had only spoken a few times before that. It wasn’t like we were friends. We weren’t enemies either…although the same couldn’t be said about her lowlife of a brother.

“Lisa,” I drawled and rubbed my chin, eyeing her. She had gained some weight since high school. But definitely in a good way. She’d been dreadfully thin in the past, looking nearly underfed. Now, even under her baggy clothes, I could see hints of curvature and flesh.

She was staring at me wide-eyed, seeming to be waiting for some kind of reaction, but honestly, I had none to give her. Her identity changed nothing for me. I never held any animosity toward the girl, and whatever was between us was old news at this point. So I simply shielded my expression and continued with business as always.

“The design for the online storefront was excellent,” I said. “We’re going to be launching it in the next quarter, so I’ll need you to work like never before.”

I watched her eyebrows furrow in confusion before her temper sparked in her eyes once more.

“You’re going to be working very closely with the office team to bring the vision to life,” I continued. “Because of that, I’m going to need you to come in on Mondays to Thursdays to lay the ground plans. You’ll be compensated for all the extra hours. Any questions?”

Her lips tightened. “I thought this role was remote.”

“It isn’t,” I assured her. “As I said, you will need to be working with key personnel in the office, and it would be easier if you were here.”

She opened her mouth as though to make another protest but then ultimately shut it again and nodded.

“Good. That’s all,” I said, returning to my seat and focusing my attention back on the pressing documents on my desk. When I didn’t hear the door open, I glanced up to see her still standing there, staring at me.

“The meeting is over,” I told her with a raised eyebrow, and that was the thing that suddenly broke her out of her reverie. Her face went fiery as she immediately spun around and headed for the door.

And I knew it probably took her a lot of self-control not to slam the door behind her.

* * *

“We have a problem, boss,”Simon said as he stormed into my office.

“When do we ever not have a problem?” I responded breezily without looking up. My PA was on the melodramatic side, and if not for his great observation skills and ability to work nights on end without complaining, I probably would have gotten sick of him already.

Although, probably not. Simon knew this place way too well and was highly efficient. He was too valuable to lose.

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