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“Old puppy’s puppy. Yes. Say hello to Spot 2.0.”

I gaped at him for a solid thirty seconds, unable to believe what I was hearing. Then, I shook my head to clear it while trying to figure out his motive here. Nick Walker didn’t do anything without a motive, and it wouldn’t be good for me to let my heart get to thumping before I figured out what he was up to.

“Why?” I asked.

“I would think that part’s pretty obvious.”

“You tracked down this puppy and brought it to me as an apology?”

“Yes and also no.”

“That doesn’t make sense,” I said, but then I was distracted by the little thing giving a sneeze. I immediately took him from Nick’s grasp and drew him into my arms. “Oh, the poor baby, he’s probably cold.” I glanced up at Nick. “You could have at least grabbed a blanket for him.”

“Huh. Who knew? They didn’t teach me that in puppy adoption school.”

I shot him a side look but then got distracted by the puppy again, drawing him closer and burying my nose in his fur to inhale that puppy smell. He sniffed me and wriggled about in my arms for a few seconds, snuggling the spot where my neck met my shoulders. Then, one tongue came out and licked my neck before he panted and flashed me his little puppy smile.

My heart melted.

“Aww, he’s so cute.”

“The lady I got him from thought so too. You wouldn’t believe how much I had to offer her before she agreed to part with him. I think he looks like a lawnmower gave him a haircut, but what do I know?”

I ignored him, nuzzling the little tyke as he yipped happily. “How on earth did you find him? I only gave you a brief description of what happened.”

“Well, it started with hiring a sketch artist,” he explained. “To get the closest thing to Spot as we could draw. And then, we cross-referenced the drawing with all the adoption agencies in the city since you were so big on it being adopted. None of them had anything close, so we had to widen our search. Luckily, we found this little guy in Idaho. Coincidence had it that the owner told us his dad was purchased from an amusement park right here in Fairfax around the time you mentioned. It’s most likely your Spot. So then I flew him out here, stuck this red bow on him, and brought him right to you on your doorstep.”

“You did all that for me?” I asked, shocked.

“Yeah, well, I was also going to put him in a gift box, but that seemed like an overkill.” He smirked at that, but I shook my head. It still wasn’t making sense.

“Hang on. You did all this in a few days?”

He shrugged. “Actually, I hired the sketch artist a week ago and had all the other stuff done then. Today was when we widened the search and flew him in.”

Huh. So it wasn’t just about my forgiveness then, not if he’d planned it that far out. I believed him because it would be difficult to achieve anything in such a short amount of time. But that begged the question…

“Why did you do all that?”

His eyes bore into mine for seconds that felt like minutes until he finally said, “Because I wanted to.”

And with that simple statement, he said everything and nothing all at the same time.

“I can’t keep him,” I told him. “I don’t have time to take care of a puppy.”

“Yes, you do. You can work from home from now on, and anytime you can’t, I’ll personally babysit.”

Now that was another shocker. “But you don’t like puppies.”

“I know.”

So why are you doing it?

I opened my mouth to ask for further clarification when I suddenly heard Violet’s pattering footsteps behind me.

“Nick!” she cried out happily as she ran toward us, but she immediately stopped in her steps when she saw the puppy in my arms. Her eyes widened in genuine excitement. “Puppy!” she squealed.

She immediately jumped for him and tried to grab him.

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