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The mortification was still there several days later, always intensified by the harsh morning light. As usual, I pushed it out of my mind so I could focus on some work. I needed to turn in a few deliverables, and with Violet staying home today, it would be difficult enough with my attention divided. I couldn’t afford to waste any more brain space on the night that never should have been.

No matter how wild and torridly pleasurable it was.

It was over now, and that was all there was to it. Squaring my shoulders, I dove face-first into work and refused to think about anything else.

Around noon, a knock sounding on the door distracted me. I got up from my workstation, taking the opportunity to stretch and crack my neck as I shuffled over to the door.

“Who is it?” I called out as I reached. I expected it to be my brother again, seeing as how he was the type who didn’t know when to quit. I knew he wasn’t happy about how our last meeting ended and would likely return so he could have another chance at convincing me to do things his way.

But to my surprise, it wasn’t Carson’s voice that answered me.

“It’s me. The selfish, inconsiderate asshole.”

Despite myself, my heart started pounding at his voice. I felt my knees shake just a little, and my belly tremored even as I cursed myself for the reaction.

“What do you want?” I demanded.

“Open the door, and you’ll find out.” He sounded almost cheerful, and it pissed me off even more. I’d spent most of my nights between seething with anger and trying not to cry pathetically about everything that happened. And here he was, perfectly fine, probably not even giving it another thought.

“I’m not in the mood for any bullshit right now,” I said, letting him hear the anger in my tone. “If you’re not here for business, then you can go back to the office or wherever else you want.”

He was quiet for a beat, probably surprised. I myself was stunned by my boldness. I never thought I’d see the day I told Nick Walker to get lost, but here it was.

I didn’t know where my gusto was coming from, but I enjoyed having it around. It was a long time coming.

“Let me in, Lisa,” Nick said again, in a tone that was decidedly less chipper.

“No,” I said resolutely, standing my ground once again. But then he uttered words that I never thought would ever leave his mouth.


I blinked at the door in shock for a few seconds, thinking maybe I had heard wrong. But there were no other substitutes I could dream up for that word. Did the great Nick Walker, a breaker of hearts and a man who had the world at his feet, just beg me for something?

“Please, Lisa,” he pleaded again. And this time, it wormed its way into my psyche and refused to let go. “I need to see you.”

It sounded so genuine that it was nearly psychopathic. But it couldn’t be. He was just good at playing this game.

Or was it still a game?

I took a deep breath, ready to utter another denial, but I could tell my pride was already fighting a losing war. I told myself it was mere curiosity that had me pulling the door open again. And truly, I wanted to see what expression he donned, whether it was one of genuine regret or whether he was just putting on a show and was going to laugh in my face the minute he saw me.

But it turned out to be neither of those.

Instead, his face was hidden by a little puppy in his hand—an adorable puppy with a red bow tied around his neck.

I stared wide-eyed at the puppy. It was a white Maltese with a brown spot around his eye. It was a near replica of the puppy I had as a kid, the one my mom sold. Nick lowered the puppy, so I could finally see his face.

“Hi,” he said.

“You bought me a puppy?” I asked incredulously.

“Yes,” he said simply. “Technically, his dad was your puppy first, but he’d already passed on by the time I tracked him down. So here you go.”

“Wait, you’re telling me that’s my….”

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