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I pulled open the door as I was about to leave to drop Violet off at school, and Carson was standing there with a frown that seemed like it was etched into his face.

“Uncle Car!” Violet yelled, jumping in excitement at the sight of her favorite uncle. Out of habit, Carson pulled a lollipop out of his pocket and gave it to her without taking his eyes off me.

“Can you go wait in your bedroom, honey?” I said to Violet. “I have to talk to your uncle first.”

“Alright, Mommy. Bye, Uncle Car,” she said as she turned and ran off.

The minute she was gone, his tirade began.

“Nick Walker?” he barked out in outrage. “Really? NickfuckingWalker?”

I shrugged. “She’s his daughter. There’s no reason why they shouldn’t have a relationship.”

“But that’s not what the rumors in the papers are saying, is it?” He came closer. “That trash is talking about a so-called love story. They’re saying he has been in love with you all this time—what bullshit. That man doesn’t love anyone but himself. Kim always said so.”

“Kim being the ex-girlfriend who cheated on him with you, his supposed best friend.” I gave him a sardonic look. “Oh, I trust she’s a paragon of virtue and just the right person to be handing out judgments like that.”

Carson had the decency to blush, but it wasn’t enough to stop him. “You have no idea what you’re getting into. But you should know better than anyone what a selfish prick he is.”

“Oh, I know who he is,” I responded calmly, feeling more in control than I’d felt in a long time. “And I know exactly who you are, Carson.” He reared back in shock as I continued, “I love you, but I know you’re the type who will always do exactly what the mayor says. If he asks you to take my daughter from me right now, would you say no?”

His silence was answer enough. But strangely, I wasn’t even mad or disappointed.

“You don’t have to feel bad about it,” I continued. “You’re your father’s son. Always have been. You can’t help it. It’s in your nature.” I shrugged. “But I need someone more than that. I need someone who can protect Violet and challenge the mayor’s wrath. And that person isn’t you.”

He was quiet for some time, and I could see he was hurt, but I wasn’t taking any of my words back. I was right.

“And you think it’s Nick?” he snarled after some time.

“Maybe,” I responded. “Maybe not. But right now, he and I want the same thing. And that’s the best for Violet.”

I walked closer, letting him see the determination in my eyes.

“And no one is taking my daughter from me. Not you, not the mayor, and nobody else in this goddamn city. Understood?”



I was in a horrible mood the next day, and it quickly became everybody else’s problem.

I slapped the papers on the table, glaring at Simon, who sat opposite me. “These aren’t the recent Roger accounts. These are from last year. Does no one in this office know how to do their job right?”

Simon looked on placidly, lips tightening at the barb. “You didn’t specify which one you wanted. I assumed you wanted to look over the ones from last year so you could make the comparison—”

“I don’t pay you to assume,” I cut him off. “I pay you to get it right the first time. You’re supposed to ask me what the fuck I mean when you’re not sure. Got it?”

Simon instantly nodded. “Sorry, sir.” He turned and left the room, but I still wasn’t satisfied, unduly irritated. I picked up my coffee and took a sip, grimacing when I found it tepid.

“Fucking hell.” I paged Hannah.

“Yes, sir?” Her voice was full of trepidation.

“The coffee is cold.”

“Oh, I’m sorry, sir. I’ll bring another one.”

I hung up before I gave in to the urge to start barking again. But the feeling remained within me, along with all the restless energy bouncing around. And the fact that I couldn’t even fully articulate exactly why I was upset was even more annoying.

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