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“Come on,” I said, and I walked toward her. My hands touched the bare skin at the small of her back, revealing to me that Gustavo also managed to make the dress practically backless. Fuck.

As I led her to the car, I hammered the words into my brain.You won’t fuck her. You will not fuck her.Fuck, her skin was so soft. Doesn’t matter. You will not fuck her.

It felt like I was fighting a losing battle.

Driving at least kept my hands busy, and I tried not to look at her the entire ride. It was hard because every subtle shift drew my attention back to her. I noted there was minimal makeup on her face, but it didn’t matter. She looked beautiful regardless.

She didn’t say much until we drove up to the valet spot, where people were dismounting from their cars and handing them over to the valet.

“Are you sure I look okay?” she asked. Her voice was once more panicked when I opened the door for her. “I told you it was a bit much. I look stupid, don’t I? I look like I’m playing dress-up or something. I told Gustavo I preferred something understated, so I don’t know why he—” The sentence ended in a squeal as I pulled her from the car and pressed her against my body.

She gasped as she felt the obvious erection against my body.

“You look fine.” Once again, the words were a growl. “So fine that I’m trying to figure out if I should just call this whole thing off and drag you to the nearest corner where I can fuck you.”

Desire flashed across her expression, and I couldn’t resist rubbing my aching hardness against her. Passion arched through me, so potent that it was painful. I resisted the urge to grind against her.

“Instead, I have to watch all these motherfuckers watch you all night and watch them undress you with their eyes. Fuck.” I gasped the last part and leaned my forehead against hers as I waited for my sanity to return. I’d never lost my mind so fully this quickly before. I was completely out of sorts, and all because this girl had come down in a dress from hell.

Somebody behind us honked, and she jerked away from me. I held her still as I handed my key over to the valet, who walked away instantly. Then, I drew her back against my body.

“Just stick beside me,” I said. “Okay?”

She nodded.

God, she was just too sweet. I couldn’t go in there without tasting her. I needed to, at least once. I needed something, something to hold me to tide me over. I needed a taste. Just a taste and I would be able to pull myself together.

I leaned down and brushed my lips against hers.

“Nick—” she gasped in a strangled tone.

“Just a taste,” I responded, my tone sounding just as aching and desperate as I was on the inside. “I swear, hon, I just need a taste.”

And then, right there in front of everyone, I kissed her, my lips sinking into hers.

Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck.

She tasted like apple pie and dreams. That was the only way I could think of to describe her flavor, which was so pure and earthy and unassuming that it was instantly addictive. I had to stop myself from completely gobbling her up in one go, and I tried to pace myself so that I didn’t swallow her whole. But before I knew it, I was tearing at her mouth, devouring her as her gasps and little moans drove me higher and higher.

One hand went to her backside, molding her curves to me, and she pulled back.

“Nick,” she gasped again, and the sound drove me crazy. “There are people here.”

Oh right. And I was groping her in front of everybody.

I backed up with some effort, instantly taking a deep breath to clear my head.

She was staring at me with disoriented desire.

“Let’s go,” I said tersely.

The moment we arrived and entered, I nearly wished we had stayed home.

We drew a lot of attention. I expected it because we were the new hot talk of the town. What I didn’t expect was the fact that all the men’s eyes seemed to turn to her. I saw the hunger and predatory gleam in some of them, and I hated it. I wanted to hurt something or somebody just for looking at her.

She seems nervous despite my many assurances on the way in.

“Relax.” I tell her. “They’re watching because they’re curious. And also because you look fucking beautiful tonight. Damn it.”

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