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“I’m Lisa Moon. I’m the designer for—”

“Of course, Lisa.” The woman’s face immediately split into a wide smile. “I’m Hannah. You’re early. Great. Mr. Walker has been expecting you.”

“Oh. He has?” Nerves made my tone slightly shaky. I wished I had a few more minutes to run to the bathroom and get myself together, but Hannah had already turned, heading toward the large oak door behind her. She tapped it thrice before sticking her head in and saying, “Mr. Walker. The designer is here for you.”

“Perfect. Send her in,” came the low-toned reply that sent a tendril ofsomethingdown my spine. It was fear mixed with another indescribable feeling. As I approached the door, the butterflies in my stomach multiplied and fluttered angrily, not at all calmed even by Hannah’s friendly smile.

As I walked into the office, I first noted how large it was. Some apartments could easily fit in here. While every inch of the office spoke of modern minimalistic luxury, it was sparse. The floor-to-ceiling windows behind him showed the gloomy outdoors, and it looked like it was going to rain. I wondered if it would be heavy or light.

Are you letting your mind wander because you actually care or because you simply don’t want to acknowledge the man regarding you from his desk?

“Faugoit,” Nick's deep voice drawled out suddenly, jolting me out of my reverie. My eyes met his—dark ink rimmed with even darker lashes.

“Huh?” I blurted out, confused.

He smirked, getting up from his seat and walking to me. “You were looking at the windows. I thought you wanted to know who made them.”

“Oh. Ah…no.” I took a step back when he was still several inches away from me. He wasn’t in my personal space yet, but he was still too close for comfort. Close enough for me to smell his rich, sandalwood scent.

“I haven’t had the time to look through your file yet. What was your name again?”

“Circe,” I said, and technically, it wasn’t a lie. Circe was my middle name. But I only gave it to him to delay the inevitable of him recognizing me.

Or would he?

I had changed a lot since we last saw each other.

“Circe.” He rolled the name on his tongue in a way that sent shivers through my body. Likely what he intended. The man was seductive by nature, probably because he enjoyed having women fall at his feet. Just a few years ago, that would have been enough to make me melt. But now, I stood my ground.

“Yes,” I answered, proud that my voice came out strong.

“Beautiful name.”

“Thank you.”

He took another step closer, and before I could avoid him, one hand reached out to twirl one of my curls. His thumb brushed against my chin in the process, and tingling electricity burst out at the point of contact, shooting straight through my body.

He just touched me,came a treacherous whisper in my head. Logically, I knew it could have been an accident, but I wasn’t thinking logically at that moment. I couldn’t believe my body was still reacting to him after all these years.

I also couldn’t believe he was trying to seduce me when he knew I was an employee!

I didn’t know what face I was making, but Nick smirked and moved his hand, this time touching my neck.

Fury and shame and hunger merged in a boiling cauldron, bubbling up inside me.

I didn’t think. I reacted on instinct and slapped him, a sound that cracked like a whip.



A mouse.

That was my initial thought when she emerged from the doorway.

She was wearing a prickly grey turtleneck with a nondescript cardigan sweater and a grey skirt that hung to her knees. Her curly brown hair was tied in a low ponytail at the nape of her neck, her bangs shielding much of her expression. I couldn’t even tell the color of her eyes behind the glasses perched on her nose.

It was as if she was deliberately trying to make herself as unattractive and inconspicuous as possible. But she was failing fantastically at the attempt because all it did was intrigue me more.

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