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I went to her bedroom to find her fast asleep in bed with her dark curly hair tangled around her face and mouth open, letting out light snores.So cute.I leaned down to kiss her forehead. One eye fluttered open, and a smile lifted up her adorable cheeks.

“Good morning, Mommy,” Violet murmured, yawning.

“Good morning, baby.” A potent maternal ardor filled me as I looked down at my baby. Her blinking innocence was like a dose of serotonin. I couldn’t even remember why I was so angry before coming in here. It was hard to be upset when staring at her. She was so perfect.

“Mommy needs to go in to work soon, alright? I already texted Amy, and she will be coming over to watch you.”

“Okay, Mommy. I like Amy,” she said sleepily, and then her eyes fluttered shut again. Amy was a babysitter who lived in our neighborhood, and she had been babysitting Violet since Violet was a baby. I kissed Violet on the forehead once more and stepped out to eat my breakfast while waiting for Amy to arrive.

My bad mood slowly returned once I thought about my predicament again.Why am I even working there in the first place? Do I really truly need the job?I could just go back to freelancing like I was doing before.

But freelancing wasn’t exactly giving you what you needed, was it? That’s why you’re here.

When I applied to work at Obsidian, I had no clue who the CEO was. Short-sighted on my part, but at the time, all I noted were the zeroes in the expected salary, just how much the experience would advance my career, and also how it would help me provide better for Violet. There were over a thousand applicants, and I didn’t think I would get picked, but I applied anyway, thinking I might as well try.

Imagine my shock when they called me back just a day later and hired me on the spot.

I was on cloud nine the entire day, celebrating a rare and unexpected win.

Only to have everything crack and shatter a few days later when I found out who the CEO of the company was.

The marketing manager had let the name slip during our second meeting after all the hiring documents were signed. The minute he mentioned Nick Walker’s name, I gave a loud squeak.

He glanced at me oddly.

“Um, sorry.” I coughed to cover up the sound. “I had something in my throat. But did you say Nick Walker?”

“Yes. He’s our CEO.” Satisfied with my excuse and ignoring my horrified look, he turned back to the brief he was reading. “Now, as you know, this new collection appeals to working-class men and women who….” I barely heard the rest of what he was saying because the panic within me was still ruling and overwhelming.

No, I told myself.It couldn’t be the same Nick Walker.That would be too much of a coincidence. There was probably more than one Nick Walker in Fairfax.

But then, after the meeting was over, I went online to look up the CEO of Obsidian. And right there, his chiseled face stared back at me, those dark eyes holding nothing but greed and ambition.

He didn’t even bother to smile in the first picture that popped up, probably figuring that he didn't need to. Unfortunately, he was one of the few men who looked good with an arrogant smirk. His expression almost constantly gave the sense that he didn’t give a shit what you thought about him. He was better than you in every way anyway, and he would use you if he wanted, take whatever he wanted out of you, and toss you aside later.

And you would let him.

I buried the bitter thoughts, taking a deep breath to calm the rush of anger, helplessness, and despair that always accompanied the memories.

It doesn’t matter now, I told myself.You’ve moved on. You’ve gotten past that. You’re now a kickass mother and a kickass career woman.

I just wished I wasn’t working forhiscompany.

Despite all that, I knew I wasn’t going to quit. The salary was just too attractive, and—barring the early morning calls—the work conditions were fantastic too. I could work from home, which meant zero commute and flexible hours. While the work was challenging and a constant grind, the marketing supervisor was a man who never demeaned me but was always precise about exactly what he wanted and how he wanted it. He also let me know when I was doing a good job, which I truly appreciated since I tended to get in my head a lot about my designs.

So this job was too good to quit just because of one man. One giant asshole of a man. I would just have to suck it up and face him like a big girl. Get it over with.

I had to grow up sometime.

* * *

My hands were still shakingby the time I got to the reception. I almost wished I had a bottle of bourbon with me just to sip on it, but I promised myself I would never touch alcohol again. The only time I ever got drunk nearly ruined my life, and it changed me irrevocably. Since then, I promised myself I would never drink again, especially since alcoholism ran in my family.

Once I was buzzed into the luxurious CEO lounge, I squeezed my hands into fists instead and approached the smallish brunette at the front desk.

“Um, excuse me?”

She glanced up at me curiously.

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