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I watched her eyes darken when my hand wandered up her skirt. Her mouth opened in disbelief, but she didn’t stop me, not even when I skimmed the edge of her panties. She just held my gaze, her eyes getting misty as I trailed one finger over the middle, where her slit would be.

Her eyes slid shut, and she let out a barely audible moan.

“Oh yeah,” I whispered, feeling a damp spot grow. Hunger beat at me. I wanted to drag her up onto the table, spread her legs wide, and feast. My finger kept caressing her over her panties, trying to draw more of the wetness out. The wetter she got, the more my hunger grew, and I wanted nothing more than to spread her open and lap it up.

“Um, excuse me….” I withdrew my hand quickly and looked to the side to see a blushing waitress. The entire restaurant rushed back to me in a second. Damn, I almost forgot I was in public.

“Here is the menu,” she said.

“Thanks,” I said in response, my voice dropping several octaves as I took it from her. Then, the waitress scurried off, leaving me to turn back to Lisa.

Her face was mortified, but the arousal still lingered in her eyes.

Oh, thiswasgoing to be fun.



I didn’t know how much more of this I could take.

The first date with Nick was absolutely brutal. I didn’t know why I didn’t stop him when he started touching me. And when he slipped his hands between my legs and I’d instantly gotten wet for him…how embarrassing.

It seemed my body hadn’t learned its lesson.

My body was still attracted to him, no matter how much of an asshole he was. Then, the waitress showed up, and from her expression, she probably knew what we were doing. But more than anything, I hated the fact that I had put someone else in an uncomfortable situation.

She came to wait tables, not to watch you and Nick hump each other at a table,I scolded myself.

I had half a mind to go and apologize to her after but then decided it would simply be too embarrassing for both of us. Instead, I shifted my chair solidly away from him before turning to glare at him.

He seemed amused, probably because he knew I couldn’t remain angry at him. Due to the cameras, which might capture my expression, I had to make sure I looked happy to be there.

He raised an eyebrow at me, and I had no choice.

A smile inched across my face almost painfully. I knew it probably didn’t look genuine, but it was the best I could manage now. Nick smirked.

“We’ll work on it.”

The rest of the dinner was spent with me trying to pretend that I was in a happy relationship with a man I loathed. And what made it difficult was that at certain points throughout the dinner, it was easy to forget that I hated him. The conversation flowed easily, especially when he started talking about Violet.

He wanted to know everything about her to the littlest detail. I loved talking about my daughter, so I found it easy to divulge information, and I could swear that at some points, I saw his eyes turn soft. Almost loving. That, combined with his constant touch—running his hands down my face and staring into my eyes—was wreaking havoc on my senses.

Even though I knew all this was fake, my heart fluttered regardless. He was good. And I’d always wanted him to look at me like that. For a long time, whenever I saw him and his ex, Kim, together, being all lovey-dovey, I would feel mounting jealousy. And I would remind myself how ridiculous I was for crushing on a guy who already had a girlfriend.

And now here he was, in front of me, with the same look on his face that he had with his ex. But I couldn’t even indulge in the fantasy because I was determined to keep my heart in check.

After dinner, I went home exhausted, barely able to do more than tuck my daughter in.

The next day, I got a text from Nick.Do you read the paper?

I texted back:Nope. Who does?

In reply, he sent me the link to an online article. I opened the page, instantly blushing at the headline.

Former linebacker turned wine mogul, Nick Walker, caught in a naughty rendezvous with girl-next-door.

The picture beneath the headline was of Nick and me cuddling together at the restaurant. It was probably taken right before the waitress arrived…when his hand was under my skirt. Thankfully, you couldn’t see much, and Nick’s body shielded me pretty well. On the surface, it looked like a simple romantic canoodle. My face was flushed with pleasure, and Nick’s eyes were completely focused on me.

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