Page 116 of Savage Bond

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Fane stepped closer and buried his snout in my hair, blowing warm breath over me. My head craned back to look at him. I hadn’t spent a lot of time in the presence of his beast form, and even though he looked terrifying and deadly, he didn’t scare me.

I reached up and ran my fingers under his chin and down his neck, my nails digging in. His fur was so thick but softer than I’d imagined.

“That’s a vulnerable place to be touching any wolf.”His deep, rumbling voice in my head was becoming entirely too familiar these days.

“You like it.”

He huffed but didn’t deny it or pull away.

“You’re going to start purring any minute, aren’t you?” I laughed at the way his mouth hitched on one side.

“Wolves don’t purr.”He licked his teeth.“We bite.”

“Whatever you say, Maverick.” I left his neck and slid my hand down to his massive paw, tracing the small, sharp horns that shined like polished obsidian. “Will I have these?”

Fane dipped his head and ran his cold nose over my forehead. “Maybe.”

“I wouldn’t mind.” I shrugged when I felt his confusion. “It would make me a more dangerous—”

A piercing pain zipped down my spine like a line of fire, and I hunched over, groaning.

“That’s a good sign,”Fane said, his breath quickening.“Your wolf form is trying to break free. I can feel it.”

“Really?” If that little taste was any indication of what was to come, this would hurt like a motherfucker.

“Try to focus on what you’re feeling inside.”He scooted closer and sat on his haunches.“I’ll be with you the whole time.”

Heat swelled through my insides and coiled around every organ and cell. Fire filled my bloodstream, burning me from the inside out. Sweat beaded my hairline and leaked down my temples. My vision blurred, and then the forest zapped into hyper clarity when I blinked.

Tiny animals hid within the brush, their scents swirling up my nose. I smelled the musty forest and the decaying leaves.

And Fane.

My head turned, and I buried my face in his fur, bringing in his autumn spice, fire, and leather scent, fueling me with energy and longing. My neck tattoo tingled, and Fane’s chest vibrated.

He was most definitely purring.

Hot, searing pain slammed into me, and my back violently arched, throwing my head toward the sky. A scream lodged in my throat as the sky turned white and then red, each star a burning light in a crimson ocean. Even though it was hidden behind the trees, the moon called to me, demanding that I heed its command.

“That’s it, Teague.”Fane’s voice sliced through the agony.“Just relax and let it take you over. Don’t fight it.”

Don’t fight it?Right. Like I did anything without fighting.

Another blast hit me, and I hunched forward, landing on all fours, my fingers digging into the bed of leaves. My teeth ground as I tried to choke back the screams while something scraped beneath my skin, trying to break free.

My wolf form.


A blazing inferno enfolded me,and I wanted to tear my skin off, but I couldn’t move. Steam rose from my flesh, and my nails grew, gouging the ground.

Holy shit. It was happening. I was going to shift.

Bones cracked and popped, brutally throwing me one way and then another. As my shoulders curled forward, a cry exploded out of my mouth, shaking the surrounding trees.

And then it stopped.

It all just—stopped.

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