Page 99 of Savage Bite

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Fane moved like a silent wind and peered through the peephole, his shoulders relaxing. “It’s just Dirgos.”

“Am I supposed to know who that is?” I gulped my water to wash down another bite of food. All this talk about last night had ruined my appetite.

Logan pointed to my abs where the sun tattoo stained my skin. “He’s the friend from Chicago Fane called to help with your situation.”

“Is this demon trustworthy?” I mumbled under my breath. “He could easily want the amulet for himself.”

Logan licked a drop of pizza sauce from his finger and shook his head. “Not Dirgos. We trust him with our lives.”

Fane opened the door, and a sizable demon strolled in, sending chills over my back. After last night, I had even more trust issues with the nightworlders from down under, Logan notwithstanding.

This guy looked like a vicious guard dog that would happily tear your leg off and eat it. The designer jeans and plum button-down shirt that snuggly fit his large frame didn’t fool me into thinking he wasn’t a beast. Beyond his glamour, the green mohawk turned into a row of horns running down his head, and more stippled his shoulders.

“So this is the raven giving Fane so much hell.” The grin melting over his face lessened some of the fierceness. He extended his hand toward me. “I’m Dirgos. It’s nice to meet the apparent bane of Fane’s existence.”

I took his massive hand. “He brings me just as much misery.”

Logan choked on his food. “Is that what the kids are calling it these days?”

Fane slammed the door shut and marched by the table, glowering at Logan. “Don’t push me right now. I mean it.”

Dirgos winced behind the demon shifter’s back. “He’s in a bad mood.”

Logan shrugged. “They both are.”

I slid my plate of pizza away. “Just tell me what I need to do to get this amulet out.”

“It’s not that simple.” Dirgos rolled his shoulders and cracked his knuckles, the pops like ominous precursors. “I’ll need to examine you first.”

Icicles hemorrhaged through my bloodstream, puncturing my veins. What the hell did hisexaminationentail?


I stoodin the middle of the living room where the guys had pushed back the furniture to clear a space so the demon could perform his mysterious assessment. “All I have to do is lie down?”

Dirgos motioned to the decorative rug. “I’ll do the rest, but I’ve got to be honest. It’s not going to feel good.”

Meaning, it would hurt like a motherfucker.

Logan grabbed a throw pillow off the couch and tossed it on the ground.

I gave him a dry look. “Like that’s really going to make a difference.”

He shrugged. “At least your head will have a nice piece of padding so you don’t crack your skull when Dirgos hits you with his psychic demon mojo.”

Fane frowned at Logan.“You’ll be fine, Teague.”

I flinched at the sound of his voice breaching my mind for the first time since last night. Communicating with each other through our mental link felt too intimate, and I didn’t want him that close when my heart was still raw and bruised after his harsh words. “Like you care. You just want the thing out. And when that happens, it’s fair game.”

A wave of fury rippled out of him, making the fine hairs on my arms stand on end. Could anyone else feel the flood of his emotions?

Dirgos cocked an eyebrow as he scrutinized us.

Logan shook his head and gave a dramatic sigh. “Don’t ask. Where those two are concerned, it’s best just to ignore the weird glances and silent glares.”

So Fane hadn’t confided in his best friend that we could mentally speak to each other. He was probably ashamed to be connected to me. “Let’s get this over with.” I folded onto the floor, stretched out, and rested my head on the pillow.

The colossal demon kneeled on my left while Logan sat on my right and Fane took the spot behind my head, looming over me like a giant mountain on the brink of a landslide.

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