Page 98 of Savage Bite

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When Logan, who stood in the kitchen drying a dish, saw me, a bright smile curved his lips. “There’s my pretty roommate.” He winked at my scowl. “I made pizza.”

“Youmadepizza?” I asked. “Like you put a frozen pizza in the oven?”

He tossed the dishrag on the counter and scoffed. “Absolutely not. I made it. From scratch.”

“He’s lying.” Fane emerged from the fridge with a carton of lemonade. “He bought the crust already made.”

Every muscle locked up, and my hand twitched toward the wooden chair I stood next to, fighting the desire to chuck it at the demon shifter. He didn’t look at me as he poured a glass of lemonade, but his movements were less fluid than usual as tension spilled through the air.

“Thanks for ruining my fantasy, dick.” Logan shook his head and sighed. “This is supposed to be like that scene in a rom-com where the guy makes the girl a special meal from scratch, and she falls for him and his cooking skills.”

I snorted. “It’s going to take more than food to make me fall, but I appreciate the effort.”

“Not even special, super spicy Italian sausage pizza with mozzarella, Parmesan, and Romano cheese?” Logan set a plate on the table with three fresh slices. “All for you.”

My lips pursed as I took the seat, reluctantly putting my back to Fane. “You’re getting closer. All I need now is some hot—”

Fane placed a brand new glass bottle on the table, his torso brushing my elbow. “Sauce,” he finished for me.

I stiffened at his closeness, and the tattoo on my neck tingled, the area still tender from his bite in the shower. The asshole was lucky pizza didn’t require utensils or he’d find a knife or fork jammed in his meaty thigh.

“Thanks for the pizza, Logan.” I didn’t say a word to Fane or about the hot sauce that happened to be my favorite as I snatched the bottle, opened it, and doused my food.

A barely audible huff slipped out of the demon shifter before he moved away. If he thought I’d forget his awful words because he gave me hot sauce, he had another thing coming. I wasn’t that easy.

Well, according to him, I was a sexual deviant, so I was surprised he didn’t get me a leather whip.

I’d never been like this with anyone else, though. My fling with Axel had been fun but ordinary.

Logan brought me a glass of water and took the seat on my left with his own plate of pizza. The nightlights of downtown Savannah gleamed through the windows, shining on his blue eyes. “So last night…” He winced as he broached the subject. “That must have been a serious dose of Rapture for you to react that way. You’re a raven turned shifter who possesses a very powerful amulet.”

The bite of pizza in my mouth transformed into sawdust, and it took me three tries to swallow. “The first dose the bartender slipped into my shot was potent enough.”

A low rumble escaped Fane’s lips as he dropped into a seat on my other side. “He’s dead now.” That was all he said before viciously tearing into his slice.

I turned to Logan who slid his finger across his neck. “After his fitful sleep outside of your door, Fane hunted him down this morning. It was very sweet of him to—”

“You had more than that, though,” Fane said, as he shot his friend a deadly glare. “Didn’t you?”

Fane slept outside of my door? All night?

My fingers tapped the side of my sweating glass. “In that other room, Danica forced another dose down my throat, but it wasn’t silver like the Rapture I’ve seen before. This substance had a dark purple hue with silver flecks.”

“Have you ever heard of anything like that, Logan?” Fane asked.

The demon chewed on his bottom lip and shook his head. “Not for Rapture. Maybe they had an alchemist mix up something similar.”

My brows furrowed as I tried to recall their conversation. “The other two wanted to play with me first, but Levi said I wasn’t a toy. I was a shifter, and they…” I rubbed my temples as a throb pulsated behind my eyes. “I was so out of it right after they gave me that purple shit, I couldn’t focus.”

“Youarea shifter.” Fane leaned back, the wooden chair groaning under his weight. “You just haven’t transformed into your animal yet.”

I wanted to pretend Fane was wrong, but my senses had sharpened, and I’d felt something stir within me that night in the forest in Mohan Wilds and a few times after that. “Before I killed him, a demon tried to shove me down a flight of stairs in that other room. I don’t know what they would have done to me down there.” A shiver skittered down my spine like an invisible creepy crawler. “Do you think they’ve done this kind of thing before? Does Lord Ruin know about it?”

Logan drummed his fingers against the table as he thought. “Ruin’s not the type to condone unwilling participants in his club. Danica and Vox probably had something demented going on under his nose.”

“Not anymore.” Fane cracked his knuckles. “Ruin no doubt has gotten wind of the situation by now.”

A knock resonated on the door, and I tensed in my seat.

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