Page 45 of Savage Bite

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I writhedon the ground as waves of intense pain hit me, one after the other. “Get it off!” My voice broke, and hot tears leaked down my cheeks. I’d already been knocking on Death’s door, and now a powerful demon amulet decided to unleash its dark magic on me.

“I’m trying.” As Fane raked his fingers over my abdomen, the sun stone sank in farther and then vanished.

No. No. No…

The Infernal Sol wasinsideof me.

I crashed back to the floor, and the wound from the iron pole burned and itched as my flesh started to knit back together.


Exhaustion swept over me, and my lids fluttered. Fane ran his hand below my ribs in search of the Infernal Sol as he spoke words I didn’t understand.

But Ididunderstand the pure fury simmering in his eyes. And that was the last image I saw before blackness pulled me into a bottomless pit.

* * *

White wallsand metal cabinets blurred out of focus, and something hard and cold pressed against my back. I tried to move, but my limbs weighed a thousand pounds each. A coppery tang perfumed the air.

Where the hell was I? I squinted at the silver objects on the walls. Torture devices.

Did I end up in a demon’s torture room?

Sweat dribbled down my temple.Hot. So freaking hot.But ice also wrapped my body, and I shivered. Goose bumps puckered my damp flesh.

Whispers grew louder as a nearby conversation became heated.

“I brought her here so you could help me. What you’re telling me isn’t helping, Logan.” The deep male timbre was familiar. “Do something.”

A humorless laugh slipped out of the other person. “I can’t work miracles. I’m an alchemist. Not a god.”

Glass shattered, and a growl shook the room. “Why did it happen? Did she do something to it?”

The rough, fury-filled voice belonged to Fane Maverick.

“The Infernal Sol contains ancient power. No one really understands all that it’s capable of.”

Images flashing through my head drowned out the torture room. As I lay on that church floor dying, the sun stone broke out of its setting and…

Pain. So much pain. It had flooded my veins like molten lava and fire, melting my insides.

Panic raked over my skin. The demon amulet had vanishedinsideof me.

“The Infernal Sol tried to heal her, but it’s not enough,” Logan, the other guy, said. “There’s too much blood loss, and the poison from the sub-demon has traveled through her system.”

Onyx veins spiderwebbed from the red, angry wound on my arm. Bile coated my throat and collected at the back of my mouth. Why had Fane brought me here? Why didn’t he just kill me in the church? What kind of torture did he have planned?

A tinkling sound echoed mixed with a dry rustling as a male high demon swept broken shards of glass into a pile with a broom. He leaned over to use a dustpan to scoop up the fragments, sandy-brown hair falling into his face. His t-shirt and jeans hugged his tall frame, showcasing lean, sinewy muscles. With those sharp features, piercing blue eyes, flawless complexion, and shredded physique he could have been a runway model.

Why was every high demon ridiculously hot—until they unleashed the monster from within?

“If she dies with the Infernal Sol in her, the amulet will also perish.” Logan dumped the glass into a trash can and set the dustpan on a black tabletop like the ones you’d find in a high school chemistry lab. “It’ll be destroyed.”

Fane cursed and slammed his hands into another table, rattling a collection of glass beakers and plastic tubes filled with blue liquid. “I need that amulet, Logan.” He jammed his fingers through his already messy black locks.

Logan stowed the dustpan away in a drawer. “Well, there isonething that might keep her alive.” He stared at the demon shifter as a silent message traveled between them.

Fane’s lips thinned into a hard line, and the muscles in his jaw feathered as he bared his teeth. “Are you fucking kidding me? You want me to save the thing that killed my brother?”

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