Page 46 of Savage Bite

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“It might be your only shot.” Logan tilted his head in my direction, neither of them aware I was conscious.

The demon shifter pushed off the table and paced the room. “I’m not going to bite her.”

Bite me?Why would he want to…?

Oh, hell no.

Tingles spread through my extremities as the meaning of Logan’s words crashed down. That wasnotsaving me. That was condemning me.

“I’m not even a full shifter,” Fane said, halting in front of Logan. “Who knows what my bite will do? And full shifter or not, there’s no guarantee she lives through it.”

Logan shrugged. “It’s your only choice. She’s going to die without it for sure, so you might as well try to save her.”

My chest heaved as my breaths became frantic. This asshole couldn’t turn me into a shifter. I was araven. Not a shifter.

Screw this.

I gathered every ounce of strength I could muster and eased off the table, my boots silently hitting the ground. Pain ricocheted through every raw nerve ending, and I clenched my teeth to keep the scream from belting out. The room spun, pouring sickness through my system. A dribble of sweat ran down my temple and dripped onto the white floor.

Red and black blood had dried on my hands and arms, flaking off like a monster shedding her scales.

I choked back the acid leaking up my esophagus and used the table to pull myself up. Neither one of them had noticed that I’d moved yet. Where the hell was the exit? The edge of the far right wall vanished around the corner. Maybe a door was beyond that point.

With a deep breath, I took a shaky step away from the table—and slammed into a metal counter, rattling an assortment of tiny glass beakers.

Their heads whipped in my direction.

Son of a bitch.

I stumbled toward the other side of the room, my movements stiff and sluggish like I swam through mud.

A wall of heat crashed over me as arms wrapped around my waist. “Where do you think you’re going?” Fane Maverick dragged me back to the table I’d woken up on, my boots squeaking over the ground.

“Get off of me.” I snagged a scalpel from the counter, but the demon shifter saw my weapon before I could attack.

He yanked the sharp blade out of my hand, tossing it on the floor. “How far do you think you’ll get before you collapse and die, Teague?”

“Go to hell, Maverick.” I crushed my elbow into his ribs and kicked his leg. He gave an annoyed huff and released his hold, sending me crashing into a counter.Bastard. “I’d rather die than become a shifter.” I grabbed a glass bottle and threw it at him.

Fane easily dodged the projectile. “Really? You think a little glass is going to faze me?”

My eyes narrowed as I snatched another one, tossing it at him. He simply stepped aside and let the container sail toward his demon companion.

Logan seized a tray and held it up to block the beaker. It smashed against the metal, shattering into a thousand pieces. His laugh ricocheted against the walls. “That was fun. Throw another. We can make it a game.”

Fane shot him a glare over his shoulder. “We are not your entertainment, Logan.”

He snorted. “Actually, you are. This is fantastic. It’s like a live soap opera. Your long-lost evil twin will come around the corner any minute, claiming the raven and the Infernal Sol belong to him, and you’ll have to fight each other. The evil twin, Faust, will win, and then you’ll have to hunt him down to save the girl, who he’ll fall for, but so will you. Then you’ll have to fight to the death—”

“Logan!” Fane snarled. “Enough already.”

I blinked at the high demon who simply shrugged, unaffected by Fane’s anger. Was Logan on drugs or usually this hyperactive?

Did it matter?

I hurled another glass bottle at Fane while they argued. Even distracted his reflexes didn’t fail him. The demon shifter batted the object away, sending it crashing into a table, spraying broken fragments everywhere.

“How can one person be so annoying?” My teeth mashed until my jaw ached.

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