Page 7 of Sinful Obsession

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“Would you believe me if I said I was saving my dick for the society?” He raised his cup to me before he took a gulp.

“Not really, but it would be smart. It would keep your ass out of trouble and maybe keep your dad off your back.”

His steel-grey eyes flickered with interest. “We have some new cheerleaders this year that are superhot. Maybe I’ll actually try to date someone.”

I looked at him. “Seriously, dude?” Disbelief dripped from my words. Quinn had sworn he would never settle down since he liked different pussy every night.

“Look at them, man. They’re fucking hot. I mean, I get all the sex I want in the society, but every once in a while, a conversation might be nice.” He released a soft whistle. “Whois that?”

My attention bounced around the group, trying to figure out who the hell he was talking about.

“Who?” I yelled over the loudly playing song, “Turn the Lights Down Low,” with Timmy Trumpet and R3HAB. People began to jump to the tune, making it even more challenging to see who Quinn had suddenly taken a considerable interest in.

“She’s dancing with Mason Longbecker. He’s new on the team, second string,” Quinn explained.

Once the song had ended and everyone stopped bouncing around, I spotted Mason. My gaze traveled to the group that surrounded him then abruptly halted. An ugly, bitter feeling stabbed me over and over in my chest. My molars ground together, my pulse kicking up and pounding so hard my heart hurt. The alcohol had to have hit me harder than I realized because I was fucking imagining shit. But the second her smile slid into place and her bright blue eyes filled with excitement, I knew it was her. The one person that could ruin everything I’d worked so hard for.

“Dude, are you okay? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.” Q nudged me in the side with his elbow.

“Yeah. What did you say the new cheerleader’s name was?” I managed to hold my tone steady, even though anger was ripping through me faster than a fucking bull in a china shop.

“Her friends call her Brie, but her full name is Brianne Langston. She transferred here from a college in Tennessee, and her family is fucking loaded. Rumor has it that she has her own place close to campus. What I mean is that she doesn’t have any roomies. I would definitely like to find out if that’s truly the case.” Quinn cupped his dick through his jeans, grinning.

Fury broke through my well-controlled façade, and I spun on him, backing him against the wall. “You fucking touch her, and I’ll goddamn kill you,” I growled, startling not only Quinn but myself.

Bewildered, Quinn raised his hands in surrender. “I didn’t realize you knew her, Kane. If you mark her, then let us know, and she’s all yours.”

I resisted the urge to punch him in the face, my white-hot fury burning out of control. “Consider her marked, and let the rest of the guys know.”

“Kane, you know it doesn’t work like that, man.”

I backed away and glared at my friend before I finally had the sense to get the hell out of there before I really lost my shit.

I elbowed my way through the crowd and into the kitchen, where empty blue and red Solo cups and liquor bottles littered the black granite countertops. Slipping out of the house through the back door, I sucked in a huge breath. The memories bombarded me, gouging my heart and tearing me to pieces. I shook my head, the darkness threatening to overtake me. I couldn’t lose control. Not here.

I drained the last of my rum and Coke, then tossed the cup into the large trash can located on the back patio before I started jogging toward my car, which was parked halfway down the driveway. Hopefully, I wouldn’t have to deal with some dumbass blocking me in. To my relief, I had plenty of room to move my vehicle.

I fished around for my key fob in my front pocket, then unlocked the doors and climbed in. Only one place could help me get my shit back together. I whipped the Jaguar around and peeled out of Quinn’s driveway. Massaging the back of my neck, I drove north. It had only been a week since I’d visited Madeline, but she was the only person who knew my secret, and I needed help. I was fucking drowning and the most fucked-up thing about it … there wasn’t a drop of goddamn water anywhere.

Blasting my stereo, I forced my thoughts away from Brie and to football, running plays through my mind and focusing on the field. After a few minutes, it took the edge off, but I needed the goddamn fire inside me doused.

Half an hour later, I pulled into the gravel parking lot, the rocks crunching beneath my tires as I drove around to the back of the building. I was out of the Jaguar before I remembered to turn off the car. Once it was secure, I hurried to the entrance and pushed the button on the little box. The lock popped open, and I practically ran into the building and down the hall to my room.

Madeline’s heels clicked against the floor. “Kane? Hon, are you all right?”

I hesitated before answering “No.”

She approached me, cupping my cheeks in her warm hands. “This is twice in a week. What’s eating at you? Talk to me.”

“I can’t,” I whispered, my voice sounding foreign to my ears.

“Okay. Okay. I’ll get you taken care of, but you need to give me a few minutes. I wasn’t expecting you.” She flung open the door, and I followed her in. “Sit down and collect yourself. You look awfully pale.”

I sank onto a blue velvet chair, propped my elbows on my knee, and gripped the ends of my short hair. “Hurry. Please.” Goddamn, I was fucked up. My leg bounced up and down as I lost myself in the memories. “Football,” I whispered to myself. “A hammer counter run.” Tears burned my eyes, and I slammed them closed while I quietly called off plays.

Madeline’s sweet voice finally broke through the brutal torment. “It’s ready, Kane.”

I shot off the chair and quickly shed my clothes. The creak of the door in the floor as it opened started to calm my nerves. It was going to be okay.Iwas going to be okay.Liar!You’ve never been all right. You’re just a good fucking actor.

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