Page 17 of Playboy Playmaker

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So now, we’re back at the beginning, getting to know each other again and learning each other’s boundaries.

“I’m trying, Care. Let’s just get these boxes up to your room, okay?” He smiles, and I can tell it’s strained, but I nod anyway and offer him a small one in return.

He picks up the box at his feet and heads down the hallway to my assigned room, disappearing into the open door. My phone vibrates in my hand as I follow behind him with a text from my best friend back home.

Lena: Settled in yet? How’s your dad?

Me: Slightly suffocating, but it’s fine. We’re moving in boxes now. I can’t believe Ilivein Chicago now. Miss you so much.

Lena: Me either. It feels weird knowing you’re not next door anymore, but the plus side is your father coaches an entire team of hot ass hockey players. Have you seen the roster? Daddddddies.

Now is absolutely not the time to confess to my best friend that somehow, I accidentally boned the hottest man I’ve ever seen in my entire life, and as it turns out… he’s my father’s hotshot goalie.

Who I absolutely cannot stop thinking about, even though getting involved in something as messy as that is the last thing I need. And turns out he is kind of a jerk, but somehow, I can’t seem to stop thinking about the feel of his lips on my skin.

I may have left him in that closet with truly no intention of ever seeing him again, but it looks like the universe has entirely different plans.

So, I haven’t filled my best friend in on that tea yet because that is not a conversation you have via text.

Me: Absolutely not. I’m staying far, far away from all hockey players, especially ones that my dad is coaching. Hello, here to fix our fucked up relationship… not make it even worse. That’s a one way ticket to “fuck no” for me.laughing emoji

Lena: Okay… true, but they’re only off limits for you, not me.winky face

Lena: Plus, I think most of them are married anyway. Bummer.

Lena: Go move in, and send me pics when your room is done. Oh, and let me know how your new roommate is. Hopefully she stays out of your makeup and isn’t a bitch.

I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t a little nervous about meeting her. It’s always a little nerve-racking when you move in with a total stranger because, let’s be real, sometimes people just don’t vibe. I truly hope that isn’t the case. And if it is, well, I’m determined to make the best of it.

At first, I wasn’t exactly sold on moving to Chicago. Of course I want to spend time with my dad and get to know him again, but I also wasn’t really excited to move across the country where I know absolutely no one and am practically starting my life over.

I’m extroverted as fuck, but the thought of moving was daunting, even for me.

I’ve been in Chicago for only a couple of months, sleeping in my dad’s guest room until my room at the house was ready, and I’ve spent all my free time exploring the city and finding all the best places to eat and shop. I’m lucky that the sorority let me move in a few weeks early to get to know my new sisters and get settled before school starts. Which, thankfully, got me out of my dad’s guest room. Now it’s time to start my internship and get ready to start my classes. Settle into my new home and life here.

When I round the corner into my room, my dad is smiling, his arms crossed over his chest as he talks to a petite brunette. She’stiny, and that’s saying a lot since I’m barely five foot one myself.

“Oh my gosh, you must be Caroline.” The girl bounds over to me and throws her arms around me, crushing me against her small frame. “I’m Tatum, your roommate!”


I return her hug, laughing when she squeezes extra hard at the end. There’s absolutely no hint of awkwardness or shyness from this girl, and it immediately makes me feel so much better about our new living situation.

“This is my dad, Matthew Evans,” I say, gesturing to Dad, who just smiles and shoves his hands in the pockets of his jeans. “Obviously, you’ve met.”

“Yes. Honestly, everyone knows who your dad is. Your dad is practically a legend here in Chicago.” She winks at my dad, who seems to turn red under her attention and clears his throat at the praise.

“Well, I think I’ll head out and give you girls a chance to get to know each other. Care Bear, don’t forget your meeting with the director of Face-Off next week. I’ll call you again this weekend to remind you. She’ll give you a tour and get you familiar with the practice facilities.” He smiles, then disappears through the door.

“Oh, Face-Off? Are you an athlete?” Tatum asks.

“No, it’s actually funny—I don’t follow much about hockey, even though Dad is the coach. But I am majoring in sports medicine, so I know much more about the injuries and mechanical aspects of hockey vs the sport itself.”

Tatum laughs as she hops up on the edge of her bed, letting her Converse-clad feet dangle. “You’ll learn, trust me. Every man on this campus lives and breathes hockey and baseball.”

I have no doubt about it.

“Ah, well, I am definitely more of a baseball girl. I love it. So that’s good to hear. What about you? Tell me about you. And can I just say I’m so excited that we’re going to be roommates. I was really hoping to get someone I vibed with,” I admit to Tatum.

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