Page 18 of Playboy Playmaker

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“Same here!” Her face brightens, and a genuine smile sits on her lips, further assuring me that I seriously lucked out by getting this girl as my roommate. “Well, obviously, I’m Tatum. I’m majoring in journalism, and this is my third year at Pi. My sister was Pi’s president a few years ago, so it kind of runs in the family? So, here I am. I loveGilmore Girls, early mornings, and running.”

“Jess forlife.” I grin, and she squeals.

“Oh, that’s my girl! I mean, as if there was another choice though. Tell me about you! I wanna know all the juicy stuff.”

I walk over to the stack of boxes in front of my bed and hop on top of it to sit. “I moved here from Seattle this summer to be closer to my dad. I also loveGilmore Girlsand havewaytoo many books. I love romance, and hmm… I’m definitelynota morning person? I’m not fully functional until like 9:00 a.m. after a shot of espresso and a Venti cold brew from Starbucks.”

Tatum laughs. “Most people aren’t. I’m weird. I promise not to wake you up unless absolutely necessary.”

“Thank you.” I grin. “I’ll probably be on the struggle bus for a while with my caseload, so I will need literally every second of sleep I can manage.”

“Totally understand. We’re going to have the best year ever, I have no doubt. And speaking of…” She hops down from the bed and walks over to her desk, plucking a neon pink flier off her already half-full bulletin board. “This is the perfect way to introduce you to Northwestern!”

I take the flier from her and skim the page. It’s a local bar that’s doing a back-to-school event in a few weeks, and drinks are two for one if you’re wearing cowboy attire.

Now that I can get behind.

I told myself that I would dive into making new friends and falling in love with my new home like I loved Seattle.

Starting with two for one at this pub night with Tatum. I mean, I think I would look so hot in a cowboy hat if I do say so myself.

“You had me at two for one, babe. Now, the question is… what are we gonna wear?”

She squeals, taking the flier back from me, “Oh, I have the perfect outfit. A pair of shorts that will make your ass looksogood. And you’re in luck. I’ve got the best hat for you from last year’s cowgirl-themed rush day. We have plenty of time to have you looking so hot.”

Perfect. It’s only the first day at a new school, in a new house, with a new roommate, and I already have a feeling this is going to be the best year yet. I’m manifesting that shit.

* * *

It’s fine.You probably won’t even see him,I tell myself as I walk through the entrance of Face-Off. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t spend the last hour dreading coming here and repeating the same pep talk over and over in the Uber ride here.

It’s not that I wasn’t excited to be able to work with the youth teams. I’m getting the hours I need for my degree, all while doing something I love. That part I’m ecstatic about. What I’mnotecstatic about is seeing Hudson Rome.

I’d prefer toneversee him again if I can help it.

I was perfectly fine with a meaningless hookup, and after our… creative discussion in the locker room, I’m absolutely dreading coming face-to-face with him again.

But I refuse to let his grumpy, stick-up-his-ass self ruin this experience for me. I’m excited to actually be able to work with kids and even more so to make my dad proud.

Inside the main lobby of the building, there are hundreds of photos framed on the walls of players at various ages, several awards, and even more newspaper clippings. There’s a small desk in the front, where a woman sits, working on a laptop. When she glances up and sees me standing there, her face lights up.


“Yes, hi!” I rush forward and extend my hand across her desk, which she shakes. The smile on her face immediately quells some of the nerves that are dancing in my stomach, the same feeling that has remained since I walked out of the locker room with my heart in my throat.

“I’m Laura, the program director here at Face-Off. We’re so excited to have you here volunteering with us! Your dad mentioned you attend Northwestern?”

I nod. “Yes. I’m a junior getting my undergrad in sports med. Thank you so much for allowing me to intern and learn from your trainers. I’m so excited to be getting hands-on experience.”

Laura’s smile is genuine as she nods. “That is so exciting. I’m actually a Northwestern alumna myself! Girl, you are going to have a blast. Those years were some of the best of my life. What I wouldn’t do to turn back the clock.” Her gaze turns faraway as she reminisces on those days before returning to me.

“I am really looking forward to this. I haven’t had much of a chance to tour the campus yet, but I plan to this weekend with my new roommate.” I smile, tucking my hair behind my ear. I’m thankful that Laura is so sweet and easy to talk to because it’s helping with my nerves about seeing Hudson again.

“If you ever need anything, you just shoot me a text and let me know.” Her eyes shine with kindness. “But for now, I’ll give you a tour of the facility and then let you meet some of the kids.” She glances down at her watch, “Practice is about to start for the team Hudson Rome is coaching. I think your dad mentioned you know him?”

I nod. “Uh, we met once in my dad’s office briefly, so I wouldn’t say I really know him, but yes, I know he’s my dad’s goalie.”

Laura laughs, turning back to the desk and swiping a folder off the tabletop. “Yeah, he’s a superstar around here. The kids love him. He’s actually coaching the older team—U14. We’re going to place you with the U14 team today since your internship will focus on shadowing the teen trainers.”

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