Page 67 of Evil Enemy

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Working at William’s fundraising thing. What about you?

It was followed by several sleeping face emojis.

I wrinkled my nose. I agreed with his emojis. That sounded boring.


Our penis party is tonight. So I guess I’m working with William, too?

I took a selfie of me and cardboard William and sent it to Boston. I debated over whether to ask him to meet up after my shift. It would be late, but I really wanted to see him. Fuck it. I’d always been the sort of girl who went after the things she wanted.

And right now, Joshua Boston was what I wanted.


Meet up after we ditch our Williams?

I put the phone away in my purse before I could get obsessive about him answering it. I had a shit ton of work to do anyway.

We decorated the club, going all out with glitter and sparkles and penises. I’d ordered in penis-shaped cookies and suckers, and we decided that for tonight, we’d open up the rooms and have guys and girls together. We were all excited about it, with Augie and Lyric arguing over who was the better dancer and therefore going to get the most tips. Their competitive natures were normally stifled by dancing in different shows each night. Put the two of them together, and it was a recipe for constant ribbing.

Terry turned up at eight, and the line outside was already building. By nine, when we opened, the line was around the block.

Fawn peered out the window and squealed as she let the curtain fall back into place. “I’ve never seen the line like this. Holy shit. This place is going to be sold out and then some.” She shook her boobs in excitement. “We’re gonna make some money tonight.”

Yes, we were. And we had William to thank for it.

Two minutes before nine, Terry opened the doors. I frowned in his direction. He knew we didn’t open early. Not ever. The longer we made people wait outside, the more popular we looked, and the more interest we attracted. If anything, we open five minutes late.

Terry caught my annoyed gaze and raised one eyebrow, not taking any of my attitude in the same way a father wouldn’t. “You want me to kick him back out, then?”

Boston stepped through the darkness, and I couldn’t help the smile that spread across my face. I fought the urge to run across the club and fling myself at him. I turned back to Terry. “Nah. I think we can make an exception for this one.”

Boston grinned and made a beeline in my direction. Without a word, he wrapped his arms around me, holding on tight.

The embrace wasn’t expected. It took me completely by surprise, but I wasn’t at all opposed to it. I snaked my arms around his waist and hugged him back. “What are you doing here? Doesn’t William’s thing go until midnight?”

“I called in sick.”

I pulled back to study his face, dragging him closer to the light of the bar. “You okay?” His face did seem paler than normal, and a tension frown was etched between his eyebrows. I smoothed it out with my thumb.

He closed his eyes, leaning into my touch. “Yeah. Just had a shit day. This is exactly what I needed.”

“A club full of strippers and penises? That’s what you needed after a shit day?”

“I meant you. You always make me feel better.”

I fought to keep my knees from wobbling. The man always knew exactly what to say. He was actually kind of cute and sweet when he wasn’t being an absolute pain in my ass. “Even when you’re arresting me?”

He breathed in the scent of my hair, but I could hear the smile in his voice. “Let’s just say that while you have the ability to take away my headaches, you’re also the cause of some of them.”

I slapped him on the biceps, but it was playful. I wished he’d come earlier so we would have had more time to talk. “Tell me about your day after? I’ve gotta go and get ready.”

He nodded, pulling out a seat near the stage. “I’ll be here, cheering from the crowd.”

“You won’t be the only one.” With a wink, I sauntered away, letting my hips swing just because I knew he was watching.

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