Page 68 of Evil Enemy

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Augie was in the women’s dressing room, arms folded across his broad, bare chest. The man was built like a Greek god and had a face to match. It was no wonder he made me a great deal of money every time he worked. “So, should we expect your boyfriend to be here every night now?”

I frowned at him. “He’s not my boyfriend.”

Augie rolled his eyes. “You just hugged the man. You’re not a hugger. That makes him your boyfriend.”

“One hug does not make a relationship, Augie. Don’t push your intimacy issues onto me. I hug people just fine.”

He opened his arms.

I held my hand up in a stop motion. “Not a chance. Get out of here, I need to get dressed.”

He sniggered and sauntered out to the backstage area, ready to begin his set.

I went to my locker, pulled out my outfit for the night, and stripped out of my day clothes.

Fawn watched me quietly. “He’s right, you know. You’re different with Boston.”

I groaned. “Don’t you start as well. I hug you all the time.”

She smiled softly. “Yeah. But I’m different. You don’t bring guys here. And yet Boston has been here several times now. We were just teasing when we put his name on your dildo, but I like the two of you together. He makes you smile.”

I couldn’t deny that. “Maybe. He also makes me want to stab him.”

“I think you like that, though.”

I couldn’t deny that she was right. I did like the verbal sparring, and the yelling, and arguing that led to orgasms. He kept me on my toes. I would be no good with a guy who wasn’t willing to put me in my place. I didn’t want a man I could walk all over. The sort of man I wanted was the one who was waiting out in the club for me.

I smiled to myself as the music picked up, and Lyric, Fawn, and I made our way to the backstage area. Lucinda had pumping beats pouring through the speakers, and Augie was already out there on the stage, riling up the crowd, explaining about our celebration of penises and politicians. He urged everyone to write their name on a dick and then go see Phoenix who was in charge of blindfolding and supervising the party game.

A cheer went up, and I grinned at the other women. “Who knew adults liked kids party games? We should have done this earlier.”

Lyric sneaked a glance out from behind the curtain. “There’s more bodies out there than I’ve ever seen in this club, Eve. We should have done this years ago. This has gotta be an annual event. Monthly even!”

The noise of the crowd outside had my heart beating against my chest. “Do you guys mind if I go first tonight? I need to get rid of some of this nervous energy.”

Lyric gave me a sidelong glance. “You mean, you want to dance for your man?”

Maybe that was part of it.

I motioned to Lucinda to cue up my song, and when the bass started thumping through the speakers, I let it vibrate through my body. It took over each muscle, and I strutted out on stage like I owned it.

Because I actually did.

My adrenaline high only increased knowing Boston watched me. The last time he’d been here, he was so devastated he barely turned in my direction. He’d spent the night drowning his sorrows in a tumbler full of rum.

But tonight was different. Tonight my gaze slammed into his the second I stepped out on the stage. And though a cheer went up from the crowd, it was him I focused on. Dollar bills floated down around me, but it was Boston I stopped in front of and let my hips sway to the music.

His eyes flared, then his gaze rolled slowly over my body, starting at my head, lingering on my tits, my hips, my thighs. The heat in his stare urged me on, and I grabbed the pole, swaying my body up it suggestively. We lost eye contact when I spun around, and then I needed my concentration to perform the athletic routine I’d spent months perfecting. By the time the song ended and the room broke out into clapping, Boston’s gaze was full of unspoken demands.

Demands I wanted to give in to.

I got down off the stage, taking the steps carefully in my heels, and worked my way through the crowd, dancing in time with the beat of Lyric’s first song.

I smiled at the men as I passed them and let them stick their money in the sides of my panties and bra. I never got completely naked on stage, but I did normally strip down to a tiny G-string. Today, I’d kept my bra and panties for the time being. This crowd was big, and they’d shell out more money if we teased them a little first.

But I was willing to leave that to the others. Because there was someone in the crowd I wanted to tease more.

I stopped in front of Boston, taking in the baseball cap perched on his head, the plain white T-shirt, and dark denim jeans.

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