Page 15 of Evil Enemy

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I wondered what the hell he meant by that.



Like always, I was early to the restaurant. But I’d made a reservation, and the place was fairly empty, so the waiter let me sit alone at the table while I waited for Fawn and Lyric to arrive. I ordered a glass of white wine, and with time to kill, pulled out my phone to check my social media.

A smile tugged at my lips when I checked in on the club’s Facebook page, with a new barrage of likes that had come in overnight. I might have to hand over all the promotions planning to Fawn if this kept up. We ran them regularly, football and other sports-themed nights, casino, and Fourth of July. But nothing had ever brought the sort of attention Fawn’s ‘Pin the Penis on the Politician’ party was drawing.

I scrolled through the comments, most of which were people tagging friends, or laughing emojis. I switched the view to newest first and frowned.

This is revolting. How dare you insult our mayoral candidate like this.

You should be ashamed. Devil worshippers.

Low brow and unclassy. Should be illegal to act in this way.

They went on and on. I was no stranger to trolls, but this was an odd number in a short space of time. All with no profile picture or history to help identify them.

Typical troll behavior and not worth any more of my time.

I shut down the app, deciding to focus on the hundreds of comments that did seem up for a fun night. I was looking forward to it. I planned to be first in line to stick a big old peen right between William Reed’s eyes.

I might have still been holding a small grudge over him having us arrested at his church rally. And a bigger one over him wanting to tear down the strip.

The door opened, and Fawn and Lyric fell through it with an armful of shopping bags. Their laughter followed them inside, and when they paused to look around, I waved. Without checking in with the waiter, they beelined for where I sat, big smiles still stretching their mouths.

“No Amelia today?” I pouted at Lyric.

“Nope, daycare. You’ll have to save your Aunty Eve hugs for another day.”

“Damn. You need to bring her into the club sometime like you used to when she was little. I miss my Milly girl.”

“She’d miss you, too, if she weren’t so busy ruling the daycare. That kid works the place like a boss.”

“She is your daughter.”

Lyric smiled proudly. “Sure is.”

I glanced between her and Fawn. “You two seem to be in a good mood. Is it just a shopping high, or something more? Who got laid?”

“Not me.” Fawn dumped her bags on the floor at our feet.

Lyric unhooked her purse and slung it over the back of her chair before she sat. “I wish. Amelia makes casual sex practically impossible.”

“You could try relationship sex instead?” I offered.

Lyric laughed like the idea was completely crazy. “Or you could just babysit more often.”

That was more likely. “Deal. What did you guys buy, anyway? Anything interesting?”

Fawn bounced on her chair like an excited puppy. “Actually, we got you something!”

“Yeah? A present? It’s not even my birthday.”

Lyric grinned. “We were in the sex shop—”

I rolled my eyes. “Of course you were. Because that’s where everyone goes on a Tuesday morning.”

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