Page 16 of Evil Enemy

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Lyric shrugged. “You do when you’re not getting any like us. Some of us have to take care of ourselves.”

“Preaching to the choir, babe.” I laughed. “It’s just me and my hand at my place, too.”

And my hand had been working overtime lately. As had my entire top drawer of toys. I was still pissed off as hell with Boston after what had happened at the club, and yet somehow, that only seemed to fuel my libido. Every time I thought of him, warmth flooded my body, and then I was counting the minutes until I could get home and be alone.

All while thinking about him. The chiseled cut of his jaw. His hazel eyes and stern expression. The way his chest filled out his uniform to perfection.

All I could think about was having nasty, dirty, throw-you-up-against-the-wall hate sex with the man.

I really needed to get laid. I was getting hot under the collar just thinking about it.

Fawn cocked her head to one side, then giggled at Lyric. “She’s doing it again.”

That snapped me back to attention. “Doing what?”

“Daydreaming about your hot cop.”

I flushed pink, hating that I was that transparent. “Hardly. I was thinking about the bookkeeping I need to do when I get back to the club.”

Lyric sniggered. “If bookkeeping truly got you as hot-and-bothered-looking as you are right now, I’d do it for you.”

“And my course would be a whole lot more interesting,” Fawn piped up. Then she immediately shot an apologetic glance at me. “Sorry. I don’t mean that to sound like I don’t enjoy the course. I do. It’s just hard sometimes, but I’m so grateful—”

I held up a hand to stop her. “Shh. It’s all good, I know.”

I’d paid for the course Fawn was currently taking. She was young and excited and wanted to learn. And I wanted to provide her with something more than just a place to take her clothes off. Fawn had been so grateful she’d cried. And once again, I’d seen myself in her. Young, and lost, with no one to believe in her or support her dreams. No one to tell her she could be whatever the hell she wanted to be.

I didn’t want to screw kids of my own up the way my mother had screwed me. I was destined to be a crazy cat lady. But Fawn had fallen in my lap, and I hadn’t regretted it for a second. It was beneficial for me, too. She rented my investment property, a little house on the Saint View/Providence border that I’d bought with my club earnings. Fawn paid her rent on time every week and kept the lawn neat and tidy. She was the perfect tenant.

“Anyway,” Lyric interrupted. “Like we said, we bought you something.”

“Quit teasing me with it and show me then!”

Lyric grabbed a bag from the pile on the floor and rifled through it. “Funny you mention teasing…”

She pulled the item out of the bag like it was a game show prize and held it triumphantly in the air.

I blinked up it, clutched in her fingers.

A huge, ridged, bright-purple dildo.

“Surprise!” Fawn laughed.

Lyric waved the massive penis-shaped thing in my direction. “But wait, there’s more! It’s personalized!” She flipped it over to reveal letters printed down the side.

I snatched it from her grasp to read the letters.


I gaped at her. “Really, Lyric? Why the hell am I holding a dildo with Boston written on it? Of all the names in the world!”

Lyric and Fawn burst into laughter and searched through their bags again, both producing dildos of their own. Fawn’s was a fluorescent green, Lyric’s a bright red that almost matched her hair.

“You both got one, too? Do yours have names as well?”

Fawn nodded eagerly.

I leaned forward, resting my elbows on the tabletop. “Let’s see it then.”

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