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What the fuck? Hurt and betrayal fanned out through Leigh’s chest. She had been so sure that Morgan would fight for her. She had been anticipating arguing for hours just to make even an inch of progress in convincing Morgan that breaking up was the right move here.

And Morgan was just… accepting it?

Leigh took a deep breath, struggling not to cry. “You’ll send someone else from your company to protect me?”

“I’ve already sent the request. I’m just waiting for them to arrive. When they do, I’ll go back to your place and collect my stuff.”

There was something very wrong with Morgan’s face and voice. She didn’t sound like herself. Leigh didn’t know what was wrong with her, but she was too hurt to pry further. “Fine. Please, leave me, then.”

She didn’t want to cry in front of Morgan, not now. “As you wish.”

Leigh hated how tense things suddenly were between them. Just a few hours ago, being with Morgan had been as easy as breathing, but now, Leigh found she didn’t know what to say to her.

Morgan left, closing the door softly behind herself. Leigh knew she was standing guard just outside the door, but that was little comfort. Morgan might as well be on another planet.

When the door opened again, it was Jake.

Leigh held out her good arm pitifully and Jake immediately pulled her a firm but gentle embrace. “What’s wrong, sweetheart?”

“It’s Morgan.” Leigh lost her battle against tears. “She—we broke up.”

“What? Why?”

“It’s Mom. She suspects something is between us. I knew I had to break up with Morgan, but I didn’t think she’d just agree! I thought she’d fight for me.” Leigh sniffed and swiped at the tears running down her cheeks. “I thought she felt the same, but maybe I was never more than sex to her.”

“Don’t say that. I saw the way she looked at you. Trust me, it wasn’t just sex.”

“Then why wouldn’t she fight for me?”

“Maybe she was just trying to make it easier for you. She had to know what a tough decision this was for you, and she probably just didn’t want to make it any harder.”

Leigh supposed that made sense, but she still couldn’t help but feel betrayed at how easily Morgan had given up on everything they had. Of course, that was ridiculous, given that Leigh was the one breaking up with Morgan in the first place, but she wasn’t in the mood to think logically at the moment.

Why did her mother have to be so observant? Things were going just fine before Amanda decided to interfere. Leigh thought longingly of the late mornings spent in bed with Morgan, and the nights they spent talking endlessly after exhausting themselves pleasuring each other.

Leigh loved her. The realization would have taken her to her knees had she not already been in a hospital bed. She loved Morgan, and now she had lost her. The tears came harder and harder until she could barely breathe.

When the nurse came in to give her more painkillers, Leigh took them gladly, allowing sleep to engulf her, hoping it would take away her misery, but her misery followed her into her dreams.

Leigh was released from the hospital two days later. In that time, Morgan’s company had sent her another bodyguard. Luke was both professional and friendly. Leigh couldn’t find anything about him to object to… except he wasn’t Morgan.

She found herself ready to snap at him on a number of occasions for no reason at all other than he did minor things differently to how Morgan did. Leigh knew logically that it made no difference whether he swept the room from left to right, or right to left like Morgan usually did, but it irked her simply because it was a stark reminder of the fact that Morgan was gone.

Leigh received another death threat, but honestly, at this point, she was in so much pain over losing Morgan that she didn’t have the emotional energy to be worried about a stalker as well.

When she got home from the hospital, she locked herself in her room, curled up under a thick pile of blankets and cried. She cried for a solid five hours and emerged for dinner with her face blotchy and her eyes so puffy that they were little more than slits.

Jake sat close to her, squeezing her hand every now and then but not trying to force her into conversation, for which she was grateful. Leigh wasn’t ready to talk yet. She didn’t know if she’d ever be ready to talk. Morgan’s absence was like a raw wound inside her, and she didn’t think that such a hurt would ever truly heal.

Days stretched into weeks. Leigh barely got out of bed. She had little interest in food, and only showered and changed her clothes out of consideration for Jake.

Three weeks since she had been released from hospital, Jake came to perch on the end of Leigh’s bed. Leigh didn’t like his expression. Jake seldom looked as serious as he did now, and it didn’t bode well.

“What’s wrong, Jake?”

“You know what’s wrong, Leigh. You’ve barely gotten out of bed since you got home from the hospital. You’re depressed. I think you should see someone.”

“What would I tell Amanda about that? Sorry, Mom, I’m depressed because I lost the love of my life, who just so happens to be a woman, and now I need medical attention for the issue. I don’t think that would go down well.”
