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“I really don’t watch a lot of TV. I spend most of my spare time, if I have it, reading.”

“We really need to change that. There are some classics that you’re missing out on.”

“I can guarantee you most of them are based on books and that the books are better.”

I expect him to argue, but he just grins. “In my limited experience, I find that you’re right. I don’t do a lot of reading, but the books I have read that have movie adaptations, the books are by far better.”

“Thank you.” I nod, and we both laugh. “Should I mark this day down on my calendar? The day that Rushton Kincaid admits that I’m right?” I tease.

“Nah, I’m all about giving credit where it’s due.”

“She’s out,” I whisper as I point to the sleeping baby in his arms. “Want me to take her?” I offer.

“I’ve got her.” He sets the bottle on the end table, stands without waking her, and carries her to her room. I follow after him quietly and watch as he kisses her forehead before placing her in her crib. “Night, sweet girl. Mommy and Daddy will be here when you wake up. Uncle Rush loves you.”

My heart squeezes in my chest. I’ve never met a man who so openly shows affection for those he loves. And the way he took care of Remi tonight… as if she were his daughter. This man is unlike any I’ve ever met before.

“Hey.” He smiles when he finds me standing outside Remi’s bedroom door in the hallway. “You okay?”

“I’m good.” I grin to reassure him. “I was just making sure you didn’t need my help.”

“She’s out.” He nods toward the bedroom door that’s not completely closed. I assume it’s so that we can hear her if she wakes.

“Come on. It’s time for another movie.” I’m shocked when he grabs my hand, entwining his fingers through mine, and leads me back to the living room. “Want some more popcorn?” he asks. “Or another water?”

“No. I’m set. Thanks, though.”

“Have a seat.” He points to the couch, and I take the same seat that I had earlier. He moves to turn on the lamp beside the couch, shutting off the overhead light. This leaves the room in a soft, romantic glow. I start to remind him I’m not going there, but he takes a seat on the couch, leaving a little space between us. I’m both relieved and disappointed at the space.

“How about The Notebook?”

“You want to watch a romance?”

“It’s a classic. Gets me every time.”

“You mean you’ve seen it?”

“Lots of times. Mother, cousin, and sisters, remember?”

I smile when he leaves the in-law off sisters this time. He really does think of them all as his sisters. “What do you mean ‘it gets you every time’?”

“Tears, Crosby. I’m secure enough in my manhood to admit that the movie gets me all up in my feels.”

“And you want to watch it with me?” I ask him.

“Sure, if you want. You’ve seen it, right? I’m sure you’ve already read the book.”

“Actually, no. I’ve never read the book or seen the movie.” I shrug. It’s a first for me.

“Oh, we are most definitely watching it. But I have to grab supplies. Be right back.” He jumps from the couch and bolts out of the room. A few minutes later, he’s back. He’s carrying two more bottles of water, a pack of chocolate chip cookies, a blanket that looks super soft, and a box of tissues. “We won’t need these until later,” he says, shaking the tissue box in his hand before setting it on the end table.

He’s a fury of activity as he takes a seat next to me on the couch, closer this time, and spreads the blanket over us. He then hands me a bottle of water, sets the cookies between us, and hits Play.

For the next two hours, we sit in silence as we’re both engrossed in the movie. My gaze is glued to the screen, and as I wipe the tears from my eyes, I can’t help but wonder how good the book would be if the movie touched me like this.

“I can’t stop crying,” I say, burying my face in my hands, hiding my embarrassment.

“Come here.” He pulls me into his chest and wraps his arms around me. I don’t know why I can’t stop crying. I’m a mess, and this man, this gentle, gorgeous soul, is consoling me as if I just lost a loved one. It was a movie, but it got to me.

To have a love like that… to have that kind of connection with someone, it’s unheard of, and at the same time, I yearn for it. To know that I had one person in the world who would love me against all odds, at all costs, until we took our last breaths.

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