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“Here.” He opens my bottle of water for me and hands it to me to take a drink before taking it back, replacing the cap. Leaning forward, he places it on the coffee table before settling in beside me. Every part of him is pressed up to my right side, and the heat of his body seeps beneath the layers of clothing I’m wearing, causing goose bumps to break out against my skin.

Rushton places the bowl of popcorn mostly on his thigh but a little on mine. He grabs a handful and settles in to watch the movie. I do the same, only eating a few handfuls of popcorn while he devours most of the bowl.

He’s right. This is an older movie, but I quickly get lost in it. However, when the intimate scenes come on the screen, I feel my face flush. Why? I don’t know. I’m not a prude or a virgin, but something about watching that with Rushton sends the heat rushing to my cheeks as if I were both.

We make it through with me hiding my flaming cheeks. By the time the credits start to roll, Remi is getting fussy.

“I’ll make her a bottle. Be right back.” Rushton stands from his seat next to me and disappears into the kitchen, taking the now-empty bowl of popcorn with him.

“Let’s go change your diaper, and then we’ll get you fed and in bed. How’s that?” I ask Remi. I stand and make my way to her room and quickly go through the process of a diaper change. She’s fussing, and when I pick her up, I bounce her in my arms. We enter the living room at the same time.

“I changed her,” I tell Rushton. “That way, if she falls asleep, which I’m sure that she will, we won’t have to risk waking her to do it.”

“I was going to suggest that. Thank you.” He sits and holds out his arms.

“You want me to do it?” I offer.

“Nah, you hogged her the entire movie.”

“She was snuggly and dozing off. I thought maybe she might go down for the night.”

“She for sure will after this.” He raises the bottle in his hands as his phone rings. He quickly digs it out of his pocket and hands it to me. “Answer that and I’ll feed her.”

I place the baby in his arms, glance at the phone, and see Brooks on the screen. “Hello.”


“Yes. Sorry, Rushton just settled on the couch to give Remi her bottle.”

“How is she?”

“Perfect. She’s been an angel all night long.”

He sighs. “Thank you for watching her for us.”

“I think Rushton would have done just fine on his own.”

“We know he would have, but he wanted you there.” I don’t know what to say to that, so I remain quiet. “Kennedy is still in labor. Do you need us to come home?” Brooks asks, breaking the quiet on the line.

“He says that Kennedy is still in labor and wants to know if you want him to come home?” I relay to Rushton.

“Nah, we’re all set. Just tell him to keep me updated.”

“He said he’s all set, but to keep him updated.”

“We can do that. I’m going to call back so we can say goodnight to Rem.” With that, the call ends but immediately rings again, this time with a video call. I accept and turn the phone so that Brooks and Palmer can see their daughter.

“Hey, baby girl,” Brooks says softly. Remi immediately stops eating and turns toward the phone. She smiles as she searches for her daddy. Talk about pulling at your heartstrings.

“Are you being a good girl for Uncle Rush?” Palmer asks. Remi’s smile grows wider, if that’s even possible. They say their goodnights, thank us again, with a promise to keep us up to date, and the call ends.

“You’re good to stay, right?” Rushton finally asks.

“Yes.” I don’t know why I am. I should feel uncomfortable, but I don’t. I barely know this man, but I’m not worried at all about being alone with him. In fact, I react to him. Well, my body reacts to him in ways that it shouldn’t. The chemistry between us is unlike anything I’ve ever felt before, but his cousin and sisters-in-law are my friends. At least, I’m hoping that they are. I don’t want to mess that up. For the first time in my life, I have people who spend time with me for reasons other than stabbing me in the back or floating the rent for them.

I’m standing on my own two feet, and the idea that I have a group of women in my corner, well, it’s something I want more than to see how hot the chemistry between Rushton and me burns between the sheets.

“Good. I’ll get this little one fed and asleep, and we can watch another movie. Any suggestions? You need to pick this time.”

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