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After a few minutes, I get myself under control, but I don’t pull away from Rushton like I know I should. Instead, I allow myself to pretend that this man is all of that for me. I pretend that I’ve known it for years and that this is just another night at home for us. I allow myself a very rare instance of make-believe and wish for things that were never meant for me. My eyes feel heavy as I drift off to sleep, feeling safe and, dare I say, wanted.

“Hey.” I hear a groggy voice. “How is everyone?” Rushton’s sleep-laced voice asks. I know I should open my eyes, but his arms are still wrapped around me, and I’m comfortable. Not to mention, I’m kind of freaking out about his family. I’m assuming Brooks and Palmer both see me lying on his chest on their couch.

“Everyone is doing great. Healthy baby boy. Kennedy was a rock star.” I hear Brooks say.

“We’re going to bed. You two are welcome to take the spare bedroom.”

“It’s not like that,” Rushton is quick to explain as he runs his hand up and down my back. “We were watching a movie. We fell asleep.”

I swallow hard, still trying to pretend like I’m sleeping, but I can’t help the way I stiffen, and his reaction is to hold me tighter with his other arm that’s wrapped around me.

“We like her, Rush. Don’t scare her away.” This comes from Palmer.

“I like her too. I’m not scaring her away. We were watching a movie and fell asleep.”

“Well, the room is there if you want it. I’m going to check in on my daughter and take my wife to bed.” I hear their footsteps as they leave the room.

“They’re gone,” Rushton says softly.

I open my eyes to find his waiting for me. “You want to stay or go? It’s up to you.”

“What time is it?” I ask him.

“Just before three in the morning.”

“I guess we should stay.”

“Okay.” He closes his eyes and wraps his arms around me.

“Um, I can sleep here. You can go to bed. I know this can’t be comfortable for you.”

“Are you going to come with me?”

“No. I’ll sleep here.”

“I’m good.”

“Rushton—” I stop because I don’t even know what I want to say. That we shouldn’t finish out the night sleeping wrapped around each other on his brother's couch? Was I going to ask him to stay? Beg him to hold me in his arms the rest of the night. My ex didn’t like to cuddle, and I’m embarrassed to admit that this is my first time, and if I’m being honest with myself, I don’t want it to end.

“Shh, go back to sleep.”

It’s on the tip of my tongue to argue, but I can’t. I don’t want to. Instead, I do as he says. I close my eyes and allow my body to relax into this man who has gained more trust from me than any other in a very long time, and allow myself to drift back to sleep.




We’ve all been pitching in to help Declan and Kennedy since baby Beckham arrived a week ago. Today is my day. It’s Friday, and I took a vacation day from work. My boss at Harris Steel is easygoing, and when I told him about my new nephew, he approved my time off without issue. I love being a machinist. I skipped out on college and went to the vocational school for machine trades. Right out of high school, I started working at Harris Steel, and I love it.

Pulling into my brother’s driveway, I park but keep my truck running. I told Blakely we could go grab breakfast at Dorothy’s Diner in town before I drop her off at school. Since her new baby brother arrived, I want her to know that we all still love her and want to spend time with her. I know that Kennedy was worried about how Blakely would be once the baby arrived, but she’s been a little rock-star mother hen helping her mom and dad with her baby brother.

I lightly knock on the door but don’t wait for a reply as I turn the handle and walk inside. They know I’m coming, so I’m not too concerned about finding a situation I shouldn’t be walking into. “Morning,” I tell a sleepy-eyed Declan. He’s sitting in the rocking chair, holding Beckham. His eyes may be sleepy, but they’re still shining with love for his new son.

“Hey, buddy, look who’s here?” he says softly.

I waste no time taking Beckham from his arms. “I’m off all day,” I tell him. “Why don’t I come back and take care of him while you and Kennedy get some rest?”

“I think Jade was going to come over,” he tells me. “And Mom offered as well.”

“Jade is ready to pop. Cancel. I’ll take care of Mom. I took the day off work. The only plans I have is breakfast with my first niece, dropping her off, and picking her up from school. Other than that, I’m all yours. I can watch him while you nap or run errands or whatever you need.”

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