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“Do you want me to do that?”

“Nah, that’s why I’m the favorite uncle.” He kisses the baby on her forehead.

“Do you hold that title?”

He chuckles. “I think we all do. Blake plays us like a damn fiddle, and we love every minute of it. But this little angel, she’s still too young to know how to play us, so yeah, tonight, while I’m the one here, I’m this one’s favorite uncle.” He flashes me a wide, endearing grin.

He turns on his heel and heads toward what I assume is her bedroom, and I find myself following along behind him. I tell myself it’s because I promised Palmer and Brooks I would help him watch her, but if I’m being honest, I just want to see Uncle Rushton in action. I have no doubts that this man could have handled this adorable baby girl all on his own. He didn’t need my help, but he orchestrated this—me being here. He took my offer and turned it into his own, one he shared with me.

He moves expertly around her adorable princess bedroom, gathering pajamas before placing her on the changing table. He changes her diaper as if he’s done that very thing thousands of times.

“All right, little miss. Let’s get through this as cleanly as possible,” he tells the baby. In no time at all, she has a fresh diaper, and he gets her wiggling arms and legs into her sleeper and lifts her into his arms. “I think she’s ready to party,” he tells me as he smiles down at his niece in his arms.

“What time is she usually in bed?” I ask.

“Not for another hour and a half or so. Wanna watch a movie?” he asks me.

I shrug. “Sure.” I mean, what else are we going to do?

“Here.” He hands me the baby. “I’ll make popcorn and get drinks. Water? Tea? I’m sure they have other options, but I know for a fact they have those two.”

“Water is fine.” I cradle Remi in my arms, and she just stares up at me.

“I’ll get the TV set, and you can pick a movie while I gather the snacks.” His grin is not only boyish, but it’s infectious. I find myself smiling right along with him as I follow him back to the main living area of the house.

Gingerly, I sit on the couch, still holding Remi in my arms. She’s content, and I’ll admit I don’t want to put her down yet. I don’t get baby snuggles often, and I’m not ready to give them up just yet.

Rushton grabs the remote, presses a few buttons, and hands it to me. “Pick anything you want. I’m not picky.”

“Really? So, you’re good with a sappy love story?” I place the remote next to me on the couch. I don’t really care what we watch, either.

He shrugs. “I have a mom who loves them, a cousin who is just like her, and two and a half sisters-in-law. I’m used to it.”


“Yeah, Alyssa and Sterling are engaged, so she’s the half.”

“You’re too much.” I shake my head. He just grins and makes his way into the kitchen. “He’s silly, huh, Remi?” I offer her my finger. She latches on and grins. “You’re such a cutie,” I coo down at her. That’s exactly how Rushton finds us when he enters the room with a big bowl of yummy-smelling popcorn and two bottles of water.

He plops down next to me, waters and bowl of popcorn still in his hands. “Shit, can you grab that?” he asks. He leans to the right, and I glance down to see the remote he just sat on. I quickly grab it, and he settles back on his seat as if I didn’t just have my hand close to his ass.

“What are we watching?”


He laughs, and the sound washes over me. “Other than this cutie?” he replies, leaning into me and bopping Remi gently on the nose, making her coo at him.

“I didn’t look,” I confess. “You pick. I’m not picky.”

“Nope. That is not going to happen. You have to choose. That’s the rule.”

“Rule? Since when are there rules?”

“Since now. You have to pick so I can learn what you like if I’m ever going to convince you to have dinner or, hell, even drinks with me.”

“Language,” I scold him even though Remi doesn’t know what he’s saying.

“Sorry, baby girl,” he tells Remi. “Now, how about we choose together?” he offers.

“Fine,” I concede, already knowing that I’m going to go along with whatever he suggests.

“How about this one?” He points to a movie on the screen.

“I’ve never seen it.”

“How is that possible? You’ve seriously never seen Road House?”


“Oh, we are so fixing that.” He hits Play and tosses the remote beside him. “Do you want me to take her?” he asks.

“No, she’s fine.”

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