Page 55 of Cease and Desist

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“Make a sound, and I’ll throw you over the side.” He pushed her against the edge she’d been leaning on.

She froze. Her lungs wouldn’t work. Her knees weakened, and she struggled to remain standing. The hand pressed over her mouth and nose cut off her oxygen. She couldn’t breathe!

Her heart slammed against her ribs as she tried to pry off the attacker’s hand. How could this be happening? She clawed at the hand, but she couldn’t seem to break the man’s hold.

Another man appeared at her side. He was young looking. It hit her suddenly that he’d been one of the “students” on the subway.Shit,the Moroccans.

“Now,” he said, “you’re going to give us the key.”

“Let her go,” a voice growled. Hawk was standing a few feet behind the sofa. He had a large black gun with the deadly barrel pointed at the man holding her hostage.

Thank you, God.Hawk was with her. She was not alone. Suddenly, Mitch and Gage came into view, followed closely by Gunnar.

“Stay back or I’ll throw her over.” Her captor started dragging her along the wall to the opposite corner. Her joy at seeing Hawk turned to dust. She didn’t feel the outside cold any longer only the block of ice crowding her chest.

The guy increased the pressure of his arm over her mouth, “Back off,” he demanded.

“Let her go,” Hawk repeated.

“No. One of you has the key. Hand it over and then I’ll let her go.”

Hawk’s hand didn’t waver. He was so calm, so focused. She stared at him, but he wouldn’t meet her gaze. She was struggling to breathe through the guy’s meaty hand. They were at the far corner now. The roof was attached to the one next to it. This must have been how they got up here in the first place.

“Give me the key or she dies.” Her vision was dimming and if she didn’t catch a breath soon, she was sure to pass out. Her mind raced, seeking a way out of the mess she’d gotten herself into.

“Then I’ll kill you,” Hawk said matter of fact.

What?Was he being serious?

“You’ll try, but my friend over there will shoot you first.” The other man who had appeared was now aiming a gun at Hawk.

Mitch snarled, “And then we’ll kill him. Stalemate, motherfucker.”

No. No. NO.This was all wrong. Hawk couldn’t get hurt. The Callahans couldn’t. That wasn’t right. She couldn’t deal with something happening to any of them, but she was certain she couldn’t survive it if Hawk died because of her. She’d rather forfeit her own life than have that happen.

The younger of the two Moroccans swept his gun from Hawk to Mitch and back.

The stout guy said to Hawk, “You should do as he says if you want to live. If you want her to live.”

Hawk just stared at the two men.

Remy’s vision was shrinking. Blackness was closing in.

“Give me the key, and we let you both live.” The man holding her let go of her nose and mouth.

Her head swam as she sucked in as much oxygen as she could. Suddenly, she was upside down. The man had hefted her over the side of the building. She was staring at the street six stories below.

She couldn’t make a sound. Her vocal cords wouldn’t work. She flailed around.

“Give him the key, Remy.” Hawk’s voice had gone hard. “Now, Remy.” There was an urgency in his tone as well as fear. It was the fear that sank into and freed her brain from the fog of terror. If Hawk was scared, then it was bad.

“Pull me up and I’ll give you the key,” she rasped.

Rough hands jerked her back onto the relative safety of the roof. She opened her hands to brace on the side of the building and her mother’s handkerchief fell. The wind blew at that moment and took the piece of cloth, making it swirl and float. Almost like it was dancing.Goodbye Mom.

He put her on her feet but wrapped an arm around her neck and placed his hand over her mouth and nose again.

“Give me the key.”

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